Allawi: Al-Maliki’s resignation could return stability to Iraq



NCRI – Nouri al-Maliki is keeping all the reins of power in his hands, and while Iraq continues to go downhill his resignation looks the best solution, former Iraqi PM and leader of the al-Iraqiya Alliance Ayad Allawi told RT.

Allawi believes al-Maliki is the major obstacle to “building a new, viable state based on a new constitution and equal participation of all the national forces.”

Allawi said: al-Maliki is not only Prime Minister; he is also Commander-in-Chief, Defense Minister, Minister of the Interior, Director of the National Security Council of Iraq, and he is also in charge of security and intelligence services.”

“These agencies have been involved in operations nicknamed ‘Baghdad’, ‘Tigris’, ‘Euphrates’, and others. He is the one who defines the nation’s policies and goals. Of course, he is the one with the most responsibility. His bloc, his party are the ones in charge. He is the head of the state, he controls everything. “

“Al-Maliki’s resignation will bring greater stability to the country. But what’s more important, it will help enact the Erbil Agreement – in particular in terms of building a new, viable state based on a new constitution and equal participation of all the national forces,” he said.

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