Iran: 35th Day of Nationwide Uprising, Protests Continue in Tehran, Other Cities


Iran Protest-No. 69

Tabriz rises on the anniversary of the national hero’s birthday, Sattar Khan

Thursday, October 20, marked the 35th day of the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people. Protesters took to the streets on Thursday in several cities, including Tehran, Tabriz, Sanandaj, Gorgan, Karaj, Pardisan Qom, Isfahan, Khorasgan Isfahan, Kermanshah, Kerman, Piranshahr, Yazd, Babol, Babolsar and Junaqan and others, holding protest rallies and confronting the suppressive forces.

In Tabriz, on Thursday evening, on the anniversary of the renowned constitutional movement leader, Sattar Khan, people in different districts of the city took to the streets chanting “Death to the dictator,” starting fires, and setting up roadblocks to gain control of their areas and prevent the regime from dispatching its security forces.

In different areas of Tehran, including Ekbatan, Sadeghieh, Geisha, Chitgar, Punak, and Saadat Abad, and elsewhere, protesters chanted anti-regime slogans, including, “Death to Khamenei,” “Bloodthirsty Khamenei, we will bury you,” and “So many years of crimes! Death to the mullahs’ regime!” In Chitgar, in response to the firing of tear gas by the suppressive forces, the protesters confronted them and forced them to flee.

In Sanandaj, the rebellious youth set fire to the base of the IRGC-affiliated Basij paramilitary. In Piranshahr, protesters clashed with suppressive forces. In Karaj, the brave youths attacked an ambulance without a license plate used by plainclothes agents and punished them. In Junaqan,  in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, western Iran, the rebellious youth set fire to the vehicle of the suppressive forces.

On October 21, the State-run News Agency, IRNA, quoted Mohammad Kazem Taghavi, the head of Khorasan Razavi’s State Security Forces (SSF), as saying: “In the recent incidents, Basij and SSF have suffered most of the damages. In this period, more than 200 of our colleagues have been injured in the province.”

Meanwhile, yesterday October 20, Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) started sit-ins in London, Berlin, and Stockholm to voice solidarity with political prisoners and to condemn the mass killing in Evin Prison on October 15.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

October 21, 2022


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