State Media Warn of Future Iran Protests Amid Regime’s International Deadlock

Iran, IRGC, Iran Protests, state media, maryam rajavi, mek


On Sunday, Iran’s state media warned the regime’s officials of a new series of protests by impoverished people amid the mullahs’ international deadlock and isolation.

The state-run Arman daily on Sunday wrote: “A glance at what we witnessed in forms of protests in recent years shows that these protests started in areas where people are suffering from poverty and have difficulties earning their living wages. The economic pressure that lower social classes endure is unbearable. We should be careful that they do not lose their tolerance because this could have social and security consequences [for the regime].”

Instead of helping Iran’s poor people, the regime has been plundering the national wealth for funding terrorism abroad. For this reason, the Iranian people chanted during the major Iran protests in 2019:

Arman daily wrote: “Sometimes we could make political changes by making a decision but destroying society. Repairing it will be very tough and will take a lot of time. Thus, this negligence could have social consequences.”

The Ebtekar daily on Sunday wrote: “The social and national challenges have become so diverse and massive that any justification or trick can no longer conceal them. There is an inefficiency (lack of ambiguous plans and goals) of macro-management, which is the bedrock of all kinds of social and national challenges without prospects. Thus, we could safely say that a ‘fundamental national issue or concern’ in no way matters for politicians, officials, clergymen, and those seeking power.”

While acknowledging that the regime’s officials prioritize their security and grip on power over people’s problems, and calling it “Iran’s security,” Ebtekar added: “The officials’ real concern should be Iran’s security. It is an obvious and inevitable fact that ‘inefficient macro-management’ cannot maintain the country’s security. In other words, security without efficient macro-management is an ‘unpatriotic dream.'”

Ebtekar warned officials of the “exorbitant expenses” they will pay, a euphemism to describe than people’s uprising. “Efficiency and sustainability with old tools are impossible in the contemporary world and lead to high costs for citizens and senior management. The basis of macro-management in developed societies, unlike previous centuries, is ‘collective wisdom’. Governing without collective wisdom in the earthly and tangible world is against all human, social, natural, and celestial laws. Continuation of inefficiency will impose high costs on the system,” read Ebtekar’s article.

The regime faces a restive society amid growing international isolation.

The state-run Siasat-e Rouz (Today’s Policy) referred to the new European-led joint-statement by 47 countries on the regime’s human rights violations. “The EU’s biased statement on human rights against Iran has been issued while political observers believe that this statement is a continuation of preparing the ground for further agreements like JCPOA [2015 Iran nuclear deal with world powers, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.] And bringing [the regime’s] missile case and Tehran’s regional role to the negotiating table.”

“This biased statement means the EU gives the green light to the United States. Of course, this alignment has already been reflected in the form of European political stances and statements on issues such as human rights, missile capability, and Iran’s regional role,” Siasat-e Rouz added.

As Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian opposition president-elect, recently said: “So long as the clerical regime in Iran has not been overthrown, it will not let up on executions and torture. Nor will it let up on misogyny, religious discrimination, terrorism, and warmongering.”

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