Consequences of Shooting Konarak Vessel by Iran Regime’s Own Military Forces

Consequences of Shooting Konarak Vessel by Iran Regime’s Own Military Forces
May 10, 2020: The Iranian regime shot its own “Konarak” vessel during a naval maneuver in the Sea of Oman

Ten days after the Iranian regime shoits own Konarak” vessel during a naval maneuver in the Sea of Oman, new details have been revealed about what is happening behind the scenes daily.  While the regime has not yet published an official report of this incident, its cover-up and lying over this incident, which according to the regime’s official figures resulted in 19 deaths and 15 injures, reminds us of the regime’s lying about shooting down Ukrainian airliner in January by the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), killing all 176 passengers aboard.  

How the missile hit Konarak vessel  

Around 2 pm local time on Sunday, May 10, a missile fired by the regime on the shores of the Sea of Oman hit Konarak vessel, killing and injuring most of its personnel. 

According to some vague reports published by the regime’s Navy, the missile was fired by the Jamaran ship during a naval maneuver 

According to reports from inside the regime, the missile fired was a cruise missile called “Noor”, which was modified to increase its explosive power. The Konarak ship, which had gone to implement the target, had not yet reached a sufficient distance from the target when it was hit by the missile. The guidance mechanism for this type of cruise missile is such that after approaching the target, it is locked on the target to hit it, and since the ship was a larger target, it hit the Konarak vessel. 

According to reports from the Army Naval Force, the Konarak vessel was loaded with ammunition at the time of the mission, which is another major military error in carrying out such a mission. 

The navy efforts to conceal the facts and the reason 

According to reports from within the regime, all the personnel, and units of the Regular Navy have been instructed to refrain from giving any information about the incident. Even the Navy did not report the incident to the Sistan and Baluchestan governorate and other government military and law enforcement agencies in Chah Bahar, which are related to the incident, which is contrary to the regular method. However, these organizations are forced to deal with the damage caused by this incident, such as the care of the victims and the wounded. 

The Navy Intelligence Service has briefed and threatened all personnel of the relevant units to refrain from providing any information or details of the incident. 

Among the personnel of the IRGC and the Navy, it is said that in other countries, when such a major military error that leads to such casualties in an internal military force occurs, its perpetrators are reprimanded and tried, and at the very least, the commander of the relevant military force resigns. But under the mullahs’ regime, there is no response, which is why the commanders of the navy have made every effort to hide and cover up the real process of this incident and have even prevented the publication of an accurate report on how it happened. 

Attempts by the Navy commanders to prevent discontent and discouragement 

The killing of many Konarak’s personnel because of a missile strike has angered and displeased the Navy personnel. As a result, commanders of the Navy have launched a series of propaganda campaigns to alleviate discontent and prevent protests. 

For this reason, Habibollah Sayari, the Deputy Coordinator of the Army, visited three of the injured on May 16 and asked them in a theatrical staging what plan they had after their recovery, and all of them told the staged event that they would return to their previous mission in the unit. 

Two former Navy commanders have also stated in interviews with websites and the media that such incidents in other armies of the world are a common occurrence of these kinds of military missions. Yet they did not say a single word about the cause of the incident, nor did they provide details of how it happened.  

Delay in the arrival of auxiliary forces, a military scandal greater than a missile strike 

Three days after the incident, video clips posted on social media by fishermen and local boats showed that the fishing boats, which were 10 miles (16.09 km) away from the ship, first noticed smoke from the missile at 3 pm and boarded the ship and rescued the wounded. This happened after an hour and a half, when they came close to the ship and pulled out the wounded. But the regime’s first helicopter reached the scene at 6.30 pm local time, while the first auxiliary lifeboat of the navy reached the ship at 7.00 pm. This unusual delay has become a major military scandal because the ship was participating in the maneuver or undergoing military training but did not have the defined safety and basic protection. 

The question here is how the regime’s navy, which according to the regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei is a strategic navy, is unaware of the position of its vessel and how the first auxiliary force arrived four or five hours after the incident, while every minute of delay could result in more deaths and injuries. The non-arrival of the auxiliary force to the damaged ship in a few hours is while the city of Konarak, which was the town-mission of this ship, is the center of the third naval zone of the army and the base of the southern shipsand also the tenth hunting base of the air force. 

Evaluation of the military situation of the regime’s naval forces 

The incident of the Konarak vessel on May 10 indicates the extreme military weakness of the regime’s navy. This is in a situation where the Regular Navy is the main naval force of the clerical regime in comparison with the IRGC Navy, and it has higher quality combat equipment than the IRGC Navy. In this context, bragging about construction of nuclear submarines by the regime’s commander of the naval forces in recent months is nothing more than a ridiculous claim. And the goal is just to start producing uranium at a high enrichment rate, as high as 20%, and according to reports from within the regime, the mullahs’ regime has no technical ability to build a nuclear submarine. 

Incidents such as the downing of a Ukrainian plane by IRGC missiles in a situation where the IRGC is on 100% alert and the missile hitting Konarak vessel when the regime’s naval forces are fully deployed in the Sea of Oman and the Persian Gulf is merely a sign of extreme weakness and the critical situation of the regime’s military command in a situation where the military threat against the regime has increased. 

The actual number of casualties of the Konarak ship, as well as the real causes of the accident, have not yet been determined and will become clearer in the future, while the mullahs’ regime continues its cover-up and lies. 

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