A Report on the Actual Number of Coronavirus Victims in Tehran May 29, 2020

A report on the actual number of coronavirus victims in Tehran
Tehran hospitals

May 29, 2020

According to the latest government numbers, as of Thursday, May 28th, 7,627 have died in Iran because of contracting coronavirus.

Worries and distrust have swirled since the early days of the virus outbreak in Iran about the verification and accuracy of the regime’s data. Since the outset, the regime has refrained from releasing provincial data of the pandemic, insisting instead on general national statistics. Tehran has declared it criminal to report on any figures outside the government channels, and many people have been arrested as a result.

On the other hand, the Iranian Resistance has been issuing daily reports on the coronavirus deaths in Iran since February 20, 2020. The reports are based on data compiled from doctors, nurses, medical personnel, morgues, cemeteries, and reports obtained from inside the regime.

The number of fatalities in Tehran

According to official statistics in 2016, with a population of 13.2 million, Tehran holds 16 percent of the overall population of 82 million in Iran.

Based on the regime’s initial pandemic response plan, a limited number of hospitals were dedicated to coronavirus patients in Tehran province. However, due to the large number of patients, the plan was shifted to accepting coronavirus patients in all 138 government-run and private hospitals in Tehran province. Among these facilities, 16 are large hospitals and the remaining 122 are smaller.

The report outlined below has been prepared by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) based on verified and detailed accounts from 17 small and large hospitals in Tehran.

The report provides accurate figures of coronavirus deaths in Tehran hospitals during three months, starting from the end of February. Based on the findings, the highest number of deaths in Tehran were in Yaftabad hospital in southern Tehran, which is a poverty-stricken and impoverished area of the city. So far, more than 850 people have died in this hospital alone.

According to accurate data, the details of which have been outlined below, the total number of coronavirus deaths in these 17 hospitals are 4,504 so far.

Yaftabad Hospital in southern Tehran

Yaftabad Hospital in southern Tehran

850 people have died as a result of coronavirus in this hospital over the past three months. The monthly breakdown is:

The highest number of coronavirus deaths among the hospital data compiled for this report belongs to Yaftabad Hospital. The facility is in an impoverished neighbourhood in Tehran and has fewer resources allocated to it, which is one cause for the high fatalities.

Imam Hossein Hospital in Tehran

Imam Hossein Hospital in Tehran

Over the past three months, more than 779 people have died as a result of coronavirus in Imam Hossein Hospital. Approximately 25,000 coronavirus patients have visited the hospital. This is a general hospital located in central Tehran. Due to a high number of coronavirus-related visits to this hospital, all of its sections have been completely dedicated to coronavirus patients since February 26. When the visits peaked in mid-March, 9 of the hospital’s sections an ICU unit were allocated for treating coronavirus patients. At that time, the hospital saw about 250 to 300 coronavirus-related visits, with 15 to 20 patients dying daily.

Imam Hossein Hospital has 561 active beds. Currently (as of May 2020), two sections with a total of 50 beds are allocated to coronavirus patients.

Khomeini Hospital in western Tehran

Khomeini Hospital in western Tehran

Over the past three months, 500 coronavirus patients have died in Khomeini Hospital. The facility is one of the largest in Tehran, with 24 sections dedicated to coronavirus patients. A significant peak in cases was witnessed in the mid-February to mid-March timeframe, with 800 coronavirus visits a day. In some days, about 100 people were being treated in the ICU unit.

Masih Daneshvari Hospital

Masih Daneshvari Hospital

Over the past three months, 280 coronavirus patients have died in Masih Daneshvari Hospital in Tehran. During the same time period, the hospital had 3,000 coronavirus-related visits. This is among the main hospitals designated by the Health Ministry for coronavirus patients.

Shariati Hospital

Shariati Hospital

Over the past three months, 245 people have died as a result of coronavirus in Tehran’s Shariati Hospital. About 100 critically ill patients were being treated in this hospital from about mid-February to mid-April. According to obtained reports, nurses in this hospital are severely overworked and under pressure. About 30 percent of them have over 20 years of experience and nearly one third of that number is seeking to retire. Some of the nurses have not taken any time off for more than 9 months. Shariati has 600 beds.

Sina Hospital in Central Tehran

Sina Hospital in Central Tehran

Over the past three months, 140 people have died as a result of coronavirus in Sina Hospital. Visits by patients began on February 22, peaking during the Persian New Year holidays (March 20 to early April). At the peak, the hospital saw 600 to 700 visits, with 160 treated at the hospital on a daily basis. 210 beds out of a total of 500 have been fully dedicated to coronavirus patients. From February 22 to April 30, the hospital witnessed more than 10,000 visits, among whom 1,500 people were hospitalized.

Shohaday-e Gomnam (Unknown Martyrs) Hospital

Shohaday-e Gomnam (Unknown Martyrs) Hospital

Over the past three months, about 291 people have died as a result of coronavirus in Shohaday-e Gomnan (literally, “Unknown Martyrs”). Overall, 11,750 coronavirus patients have visited the hospital. Since the final days of February to approximately mid-March, the number of pandemic-related visits to this hospital were about 120. Immediately after that period, they increased to 150 per day. The hospital saw its highest death toll in the final days of February to approximately mid-March. During the last three months, 3 to 4 people have lost their lives at this hospital. By mid-May, at least 12 people were being treated at the urgent care unit.

Shohaday-e Tajrish Hospital

Shohaday-e Tajrish Hospital

Over the past three months, about 240 people have died as a result of coronavirus in Shohaday-e Tajrish Hospital. Since the final days of February to approximately mid-March, the hospital saw 40 pandemic-related deaths. That number significantly increased from March to May, totalling to about 200. The average number of deaths in that period were 3 to 4 people a day. Since the final days of February to approximately mid-April, over 100 people visited the hospital daily. That number began to fall in April, but increased again starting in mid-May, going from 30-40 visits a day to about 70 visits. This spike coincides with the regime’s decision to reopen the economy. The number of beds in Shohaday-e Tarish hospital is 380. On average, about 359 beds are operational.

Modarres Hospital

Modarres Hospital

Over the past three months, about 251 people have died due to coronavirus in Modarres Hospital. Some 11,650 patients have visited the hospital during this period. Since the final days of February, there have been 95 visits per day, reaching to about 140 by early March. Since March 20 to mid-May, the number of fatalities has seen a steady rise, with a total of 130 people. From mid-March to mid-April, there were 140 visits per day, and on average, about 110 patients were hospitalized. The number of visits and fatalities have been incredibly high from mid-February to mid-April.

In total, there were 30 deaths from mid-April to mid-May. During this period, there were 95 daily visits on average. Modarres Hospital has 290 beds, 130 of which have been dedicated to coronavirus patients. Currently, two urgent care units in the hospital have been dedicated to coronavirus patients.

Varamin’s Mofattah Hospital

Varamin’s Mofattah Hospital

Over the past three months, about 184 people have died due to coronavirus in Mofatteh Hospital, which is located in the Varamin region in southeastern Tehran province. The public hospital has 130 regular beds, 13 urgent care beds, 12 ICU beds, 5 CCU beds. It also has 80 doctors. The city of Varamin has a total population of about 300,000.

Labbafi-Nejad Hospital

Labbafi-Nejad Hospital

Over the past three months, about 220 people have died as a result of coronavirus in Labbafi-Nejad Hospital, which is located in northern Tehran city. By mid-May, the hospital was treating 42 coronavirus patients. The hospital has 277 beds, and ICU and CCU units. The official capacity of this hospital is 400 total beds, however some of the areas are occupied by administration, thereby reducing its direct treatment capacity. The hospital belongs to the Social Security Organization, and its training and education area is overseen by the Medical Department of Beheshti University.

Kashani Hospital

Kashani Hospital

Tehran’s Kashani Hospital saw 60 coronavirus-related deaths over the past three months. By mid-May, 23 patients were hospitalized at Kashani. An average of 5 to 6 people are hospitalized every day there, with a similar number of people discharged. Kashani Hospital belongs to the Social Security Organization and has 162 beds.

Amir Alam Hospital

Amir Alam Hospital

Over the past three months, about 100 people have died as a result of coronavirus in Amir Alam Hospital in Tehran. The monthly breakdown of fatalities is as follows:

mid-March to early April: 62 deaths

early April to mid-April: 13 deaths

April 20 to April 30: 5 deaths

Zyaiyan Hospital

Zyaiyan Hospital

Over the past three months, 110 people have died as a result of coronavirus in Zyaiyan Hospital in Tehran. There have been a total of 1,337 hospitalizations. From February 20 to March 19, there were 684 hospitalizations and 36 deaths. From March 20 to April 19, there were 487 hospitalizations and 59 deaths. From April 20 to May 21, the health of people who visited the hospital in the previous month has dramatically deteriorated in comparison to previous months. A hospital employee named Moradi contracted the virus and died as a result. The hospital has 166 beds and is located in an impoverished Tehran neighborhood.

Madaen Hospital

Madaen Hospital

Over the past three months, 74 have died as a result of coronavirus in Madaen Hospital in Tehran. From February 29 to March 19, there were a total of 37 deaths. From March 20 to April 19, there were 26 deaths. And, from April 20 to May 21, there were 11 deaths related to coronavirus. From May 21 to May 27, 11 patients were being treated in section 8 of the hospital. Four patients were being treated in the general ICU section. Madaen is an old private hospital with 162 beds.

Sajjad Hospital

Sajjad Hospital

Over the past three months, 95 have died as a result of coronavirus in Sajjad Hospital, which is located in Shahriar (south of Tehran). During the same period, 3,000 coronavirus patients were hospitalized there (using either beds or make-shift treatment areas). At the peak, more than 100 people visited the hospital daily to be treated for coronavirus symptoms, which was later reduced to 20 to 30 visits per day. The head of the hospital, Dr. Marashi, has also been infected and is hospitalized. The hospital has 207 beds, 170 of which are active. The peak of coronavirus for this hospital ran from February 27 to mid-April. Except for the women and children sections, other sections were full of coronavirus patients.

Taleqani Hospital

Taleqani Hospital

Over the past three months, 85 have died as a result of coronavirus in Taleqani Hospital and 1,170 coronavirus patients have visited the hospital.  In late February and early March, 40 coronavirus-related visits were made each day. The hospital has 400 beds, 50 of which have been dedicated exclusively to coronavirus patients.

Observations and Conclusions

As mentioned above, the accurate and monthly data from 17 hospitals in Tehran over the past three months indicates 4504 deaths. A review of these sample hospitals alone shows that the real fatality figures are much higher than those published by the regime.

Many of the doctors treating coronavirus patients in these hospitals believe that the real number of deaths is five to 10 times higher than official figures. According to these physicians, suspected deaths due to coronavirus or deaths caused by respiratory complications are not counted in the official data based on the guidance of the health ministry. This is while many of them resulted from the coronavirus.

In its latest tally on May 28, 2020, the PMOI/MEK said that at least 47,500 have died because of the pandemic in Iran, 10,000 of them in Tehran alone.

The assessment of these hospitals’ experts puts the real number of fatalities in Iran at 12 to 14 percent of those infected. This is while official statistics put that number at only 5.3%, which is radically lower than other parts of the world.


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