A Confidential Report by the Iranian Regime’s Parliament on the Impact of Coronavirus in Iran

Iranian regime's parliament session about coronavirus outbreak
Iranian regime’s parliament session

Warning about uprisings and popular rebellions

The Iranian regime’s parliamentary research center published a report on April 7, 2020, about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic inside Iran. The report summarizes 20 previous reports that the parliamentary research center has drafted and sent to the parliament in order to inform deputies about the coronavirus spread in Iran so far. A number of previous 20 reports were drafted at the request of various committees. They were confidential and meant for the parliamentary commission that had requested them. However, the majority of these reports were drafted for all of the regime’s parliamentary deputies. The Majlis research center is tasked with providing information and analysis about ongoing political matters to deputies. It is considered to be one of the regime’s official thing tanks.

The comprehensive report, which is titled “Assessments about the Path Taken and the Imperatives of the Path Forward,” highlights many of the facts about the massive coronavirus crisis inside Iran. This document outlines some of the main portions of the report and then offers a short commentary on it.

A) Excerpts of the Report

B) Brief Conclusions

  1. This report has been drafted in the context of the regime itself and intends to preserve the regime’s interests.
  2. Despite the above fact, the internal Majlis report confesses to many truths that all of the regime’s institutions have been trying to cover up during this period. For example, it points to the fact that the regime is suffering from a systematic chaos when it comes to managing the coronavirus outbreak. It also says that the regime’s existing approaches will lead to more infections and more deaths. It adds that the regime’s short-term and oscillating measures are detrimental for the people and that the regime’s management is inefficient. It also says that the dissidents and the Iranian Resistance have been able to show the crisis that surrounds the regime in its entirety.
  3. Despite repeated requests by the Majlis Research Center from the coronavirus task force regarding comprehensive statistics for the number of infected and casualties, the task force has not yet responded to inquiries. As such, coronavirus statistics are deemed as highly confidential in the eyes of senior regime officials and the intelligence unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). That is why not even the regime’s own parliamentary research center and its deputies in Majlis do not have access to these numbers.
  4. The most important point is the warning that the crisis should not be turned into a security-related matter. The essence of this warning is that the regime must prevent, at all cost and in all manners, the formation of widespread protests and social uprisings due to widespread killings, the regime’s incompetence, cover-ups, structural corruption and avoidance of placing resources in the hands of the people, as well as the regime’s role in the spread of the virus in the country. This is because if such an uprising were to form, it would threaten the regime in its entirety. The reason is the pent-up social anger toward the regime’s behavior against the people in a wide array of fields, including the mismanagement of the current global pandemic. This is the prospect that today regime officials constantly warn about. However, this is a realistic prospect for the regime, and there is a high probability that the regime’s fate will be sealed soon.
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