Video shows Iranian youth subjected to brutal inhumane degrading punishment in public


NCRI – A video obtained as recently as November shows the Iranian regime’s masked State Security Forces publicly beating and abusing a group of young men while parading them through the streets, handcuffed in the back of an open truck.

The video shows members of the State Security Forces (police), who are masked to conceal their identity, repeatedly beating young men who try to keep their head down while being subjected to the inhumane and degrading punishment.

At one instance when the truck passes by a tree, the Security Forces grab and cut branches off and force the youth to eat them while imitating sheep sound. Among other things, the young men are also gratuitously hit on the head, slapped in the face, have their hair pulled and are elbowed in the back.

Every year the Iranian regime’s State Security Forces arrest thousands of young people and women in the street under the pretext of implementing ‘The Public Security Plan.’

The people arrested are often beaten on camera while being paraded through their local neighborhood or city centers, or forced to wear hanging watering cans used for lavatory ablutions around their necks in order to humiliate them.

Parading while sitting backwards on a donkey is also another method used by the Iranian regime’s State Security Forces.

The youth are arrested under many different pretexts, some of which include improper clothing, having tattoos, alcohol consumption, disregarding curfews and disrespect towards security agents.
The surge in humiliating punishments and executions, among other violations of human rights in Iran since Hassan Rouhani has become president, are aimed at spreading fear and intimidation among the public, particularly to the youth and women.

The brutality seen in the video of the Iranian regime henchmen towards the youth for committing ‘petty crimes’ can only make us wonder to what extent they torture the people that they imprison for opposing the rule of mullahs, the godfather of Islamic State (ISIS).


Watch the video here

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