US seeking UN resolution on rights violations in Iran

NCRI – The United States is lobbying to establish a United Nations special investigator on human rights abuses by the Iranian regime, for the first time in a decade, diplomats and activists told Reuters Thursday.

The news agency said the US delegation to the UN Human Rights Council has sought support from countries in all regions for a draft resolution that would put the Iranian regime back in the international limelight for alleged violations.


Reuters said US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton plans to address the council on Monday at the start of a three-week session.

“The Americans are fairly determined to have a mandate created for a special rapporteur on the situation in Iran. It would be a strong symbolic and political signal,” said one Western envoy.

“The European Union supports the move, in view of persecution of human rights defenders in Iran and the sharp rise in the number of executions since the start of the year, he said,” according to Reuters.

A US spokesman in Geneva told Reuters, “We are discussing with other members of the council on appropriate next steps to support Iranian human rights and express solidarity with the people in Iran who seek to exercise those rights freely and without fear.”

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