Unrest in northern Iranian city for killing of a fisherman

NCRI – The northern port city of Bandar Turkaman, has been the scene of unrest following the tragic death of an 18-year-old fisherman on Friday. The young man was killed during an encounter with the Iranian regime’s State Security Forces (SSF) patrol in the Caspian Sea.

Hundreds of Bandar Turkaman residents took to the streets and staged a demonstration in front of the local governor’s office to express their anger at the death of Hesamoddin Khadivar by the Iranian SSF.

On Monday the regime’s official news agency, IRNA, tried to downplay the crime committed by the SSF and said, “The main pretext for these people [protestors] has been the death of a fisherman who was killed while his boat collided with a vessel belonged to the Guards Unit.

However the report said that Khadivar’s death “prompted his families and friends” to protest against the regime. “They were more than five hundred,” the report added.

The news agency reported a number of arrests without giving details.

Bandar Turkaman (Bandar-e Torkaman) (Bandar Turkaman) is a port in Golestan province, Iran on the Caspian Sea. It is approximately 375 km from Tehran and had an estimated population of 126,000 in 2006.

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