UN expert to investigate rights violations in Iran under mullahs

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Iran, Ahmed Shaheed, started today a fact-finding mission to Amsterdam, Berlin and Paris, to gather information about the past and present experiences of victims of reported human rights violations in Iran.

During his nine-day visit (13-22 December), the independent expert will meet with and interview members of the Iranian diaspora, including student activists, university professors, lawyers, authors, publishers, former political prisoners and proponents of minority, women’s and LGBT rights, as well as with European research and governmental organizations, a statement published by the office of the UN High Commissioner for human rights said.

Mr. Shaheed’s findings on the human rights situation in Iran will be brought to the attention of the government of Iran and to the members of the UN Human Rights Council in March 2014.

During the past eleven months over 600 have been executed in Iran. Over 400 of the executions have been carried out after Hassan Rouhani taken office.

On a daily basis, and in order to hold onto power, the mullahs are increasing suppression, especially through executions, imposing discriminatory measures against the followers of certain religions, ethnic groups and nationalities, and various discriminations and violence against the women.

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