Tunne Kelam: Stop attacks by the Iranian Government against humanitarian and social service organisations


Statement by Tunne Kelam, Member of European Parliament

When in 2013 the new President of Iran Hassan Rouhani was elected, he promised that he would stop the political oppression and will restore civil freedoms and rights to all ethnic and religious groups. Sadly, during the following almost two years, the opposite has taken place. Clamping down on civilians and minorities that are trying to retain their identity and dignity, has seen a dramatic increase. As for the executions, Iran notoriously ranks among the three leading countries of the world. The Government-sponsored policy of violent intolerance has reached a point that the regime has begun to shut down even charity organisations which provide help for the needy and sick co-citizens.

The past few weeks have witnessed closing down of the medical charity Reza Aid Foundation. Aided by members of Gonabadi dervishes, the Reza Aid Foundation has been operational for 20 years, serving the poorest and neediest part of society.

Recently Sufi prisoners of conscience were denied medical treatment. Other Sufis have been exiled from their hometowns following politically motivated court decisions.

It is time to realize that while political attention has been concentrated on achieving a nuclear deal with the Iranian clerical dictatorship, the attention of international actors has been led aside from the serious worsening of the human rights situation and the increased discrimination against national and religious minorities. The latest attacks against Sufis and dervishes, who traditionally distance themselves from active politics and concentrate on man’s internal enlightenment, remind us that no political deal with Tehran will hold unless it is accompanied by concrete commitments by the same regime to fully respect the rights of its citizens and minorities.

I especially call on Tehran regime to immediately stop closing down of citizen-sponsored charities and to create conditions for normal religious and civil activities of Iranian minorities.


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