Toughness is only language mullahs in Iran understand – Scottish MEP

Mr. Struan Stevenson, Scottish Euro MP NCRI – Mr. Struan Stevenson, Scottish Euro MP condemned recent executions in Iran, criticized the EU’s policy toward the Iranian regime and called for tough sanctions.

Mr. Stevenson, speaking Thursday before voting on the EP resolution on the human rights situation said: “Toughness is the only language these mullahs understand.”

NCRI – Mr. Struan Stevenson, Scottish Euro MP condemned recent executions in Iran, criticized the EU’s policy toward the Iranian regime and called for tough sanctions.

Mr. Stevenson, speaking Thursday before voting on the EP resolution on the human rights situation said: “Toughness is the only language these mullahs understand.”

Transcription of his remarks before the plenary session follow:

While we are sitting in this chamber having grand debates, the hangmen in Iran are working overtime. As we heard from Tune Kelam, yesterday they hanged another five people including a young woman who was pardoned by victim’s parent.  So she had actually been excused of the death penalty but was subsequently hanged. But yet we follow a policy of appeasement in the EU.

Only this week we have agreed that we will encourage the Russians to enrich the nuclear fuel rods on behalf of Ahmadinejad in return for his guarantee that he will stop his own nuclear enrichment program but he has not given that guarantee nor he has given open access to the inspectors to look at his nuclear facility.

We are only bolstering the mullahs when we continue this policy of appeasement we need to take tough sanctions.  Toughness is the only language these mullahs understand.

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