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HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsIran: Tortured father dies before fulfilling final wish to see his son

Iran: Tortured father dies before fulfilling final wish to see his son

NCRI – An Iranian father has died after enduring more than two weeks of torture at the hands of the regime’s henchmen.

Amir Mousaei, 38, was arrested by revolutionary guards at his father’s house in Genaveh in mid-January after months of being tracked by intelligence agents.

He was first locked up in Genaveh prison, where he was tortured for two days before being transferred in to Borazjan.

Despite pleas and offers of bail from his family for his release, he was again beaten with batons and iron rods for another 12 days before being held in solitary confinement.

Only after that was he finally taken to Borazjan hospital suffering from multiple injuries, where his loved ones were given permission to visit.

During brief periods of consciousness and suffering from massive bruising and infection and damage to his intestines, he managed to tell them how he had been been beaten and tortured for 15 days.

His final wish was to be able to see his three-year-old son, but Mr Mousaei tragically died before the father and son could be reunited.

Residents of Genaveh later gathered at his father’s house to condemn Khamenei and the clerical regime for Amir’s brutal death.

This is the fourth case of killing prisoners under torture which has emerged in recent months.

Blogger Sattar Beheshti, from Robat Karim near Tehran, Tehran university student Keramatollah Zareian and Jalil Savidi, a plumber from Ahwaz, are all also known to have been killed under torture.

The killings are all happening amidst total silence and inactivity from the international community.

The Iranian regime’s dossier of severe and systematic human rights violations should be referred to the UN Security Council and the regime’s leader should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, as one necessary towards ending the cycle of repression in Iran.