The Iranian regime’s activities against Ashraf prove its meddling in Iraq, politician says

Al-alousiNCRI – The Iranian regime’s recent measures in Iraq’s Diyala province against opposition activists ‎residing in Camp Ashraf serves as a potent example of Tehran’s meddling in Baghdad’s affairs, an Iraqi ‎political leader said on Sunday.‎

The leader of Iraq’s Umma Party, Methal Al-alousi, was quoted by the Kuwaiti daily al-Rai as saying ‎that a conference and photo exhibition set up by the Iranian regime’s embassy against the main ‎opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) signal the regime’s new policies ‎against Iraq.‎

Camp Ashraf is home to some 3,400 PMOI members. Last month, the clerical regime’s embassy in ‎Baghdad set up a so-called exhibition against Ashraf residents in the city of Khalis in Diyala province, ‎which was boycotted by the locals according to officials.‎

The Iraqi leader Alalousi also demanded international and regional attempts to curb the Iranian ‎regime’s expansionist designs and nuclear program.‎

According to al-Rai daily, the new ambassador of the Iranian regime in Baghdad, Hassan Danaifar, ‎‎“represents a clear and unambiguous Iranian policy line in Iraq. Prior to his appointment as ‎ambassador, he was an active member of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.”‎

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