The anti-human clerical regime executed six more prisoners

Fars News AgencyNCRI – On Tuesday October 11, three prisoners were hanged in Qezelhesar prison by the hangmen of the mullahs’ regime. The prisoners are: Taghi Ghahramani 40 years old , Baba Ali Akherati 50 years old, and a third prisoner by the name of Latif.

Taghi Ghahramani is one of the prisoners who were transferred to solidarity confinement cell in Gohardasht prison in Karaj after the bloody protests in Qezelhesar. The executions were carried out on Tuesday October 11, 2011.

In addition, the public relations of the Iranian regime’s Justice department (read injustice department) in Semnan announce the death sentence of three prisoners in this city.

Moreover, the regime’s Supreme Court approved the death penalty of 2 Iranian Kurd political prisoners, Zaniar Moradi and Loghman Moradi, and informed them of the decision verbally while their appointed lawyer was unaware of the verdict confirmation.

Zaniar and Loghman Moradi, who are sentenced to public execution, have describe in a letter the tortures imposed on them to make false confession.

It should be mentioned that more than 100 people have been executed in September 2011. The executions have continued in October with 23 executions.

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