The Amnesty International Demands the Immediate Release of Soheil Arabi


NCRI Staff

NCRI – The Amnesty International expresses concern over the political prisoner, Soheil Arabi who has been going on hunger strike for 38 days. This organization demanded the immediate and unconditional release of the political prisoner as well as his access to full medical care.

Soheil Arabi started his dry hunger strike 9 days ago and he had been already on hunger strike for 30 days. On the 8th day of his dry hunger strike, Soheil Arabi recorded an audio file in Evin Prison and explained his critical condition announcing that the authorities have not paid attention to his legal demands.

Soheil Arabi has also announced that he has critical condition and is suffering from stomach bleeding and low blood pressure of 50/60. In his audio file, he says, “Never allow a person to torture you because of holding different beliefs.”

Additionally, in some parts of his speech, he says, “I have spent days and nights with the hope that the judges and interrogators have good conscience. If they have had so, I would have been acquitted by now and the real offenders and criminals would have been in jail as well.

I cannot tolerate all this cruelty. I am tired of fighting alone. Nobody helps me. I will die one day. I am sure that the oppressors will be defeated. You will believe that my imprisonment was unfair. I am in a cage and cannot work, therefore, I am dead. A day comes that the judges and interrogators will be tried and our country is no longer in the hands of hypocrites.”

Soheil Arabi’s wife also went on hunger strike on August 1, 2017, following her husband’s arrest. She stopped her strike as soon as Soheil got released on bail on the same day. However, she went on hunger strike again when her husband’s case was sent to the court.

It is noteworthy that Soheil Arabi was arrested and sentenced to death penalty in Tehran’s Penal Court Branch 76 in September 2014 on charges of insulting the sanctities and the Muslim’s prophet on Facebook. The Supreme Court of Justice also confirmed the verdict in December of that year. However, the international community protested against Soheil Arabi’s sentence and as a result, his sentence changed to 7.5 years of imprisonment and banned from traveling abroad for 2 years.

A number of people struggle or refuse to receive medication and treatment in recent months in order to fight against the unfavorable situation and extraneous deprivation of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience.

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