Suppression and assassination in Iran’s Baluchestan – South Eastern Province


NCRI – Ameneh Eesa Zadeh, 21, a Baluch Sunni citizen from Khargoushi village in Sirik, was arrested and taken to an unknown location on Monday October 10, following her criticism of a religious ritual.

According to reports on Sunday October 9, two Baluch citizens were assassinated at the entrance of Saravan by unidentified persons.

The two fellow Baluch were named Farough  Derazhi and Omid Ali Derazhi. According to witnesses, they were killed by persons dressed in local costumes.

Insecurity and assassination of fellow Baluch by intelligence and security forces have increased in recent days.

A Baluch youth named Mohammad Gorgij, 31, was killed under torture by security agents.

According to reports, the security agents beat and arrested Mohammad Gorgij in Zahedan’s cell phone market. One of the agents hit his head from behind with his rifle butt, making him unconscious. The agents handed over his dead body to the morgue a few days after his death.

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