Strong condemnation of death sentences of families of Ashraf residents

 NCRI – The following is a press release by the International Committee In Search of Justice condemning the death sentences issued for six members of families of Ashraf residents and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organziation of Iran. 

Press release
16 May 2010

The Iranian regime announced on Saturday 15 May that the death sentences for six political prisoners who are families of Camp Ashraf residents and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) have been endorsed. Mohammad Ali Saremi, Jaafar Kazemi, Mohsen Daneshpour-Moghadam and his son Ahmad, and Mohammad Ali Haj-Aqai have been sentenced to death because they had visited Camp Ashraf and they have relatives there. According to Tehran’s Prosecutor General, the sixth person named Abdulreza Qanbari has been sentenced to death because “on the day of Ashura [uprising] he sent reports to PMOI directly.” The declared policy of the Iranian regime and the government of Iraq is destruction of Ashraf. The agents of the Iranian Intelligence and the terrorist Quds force posing as families of Ashraf residents have assembled at the main gate of Camp for three months, torturing the residents psychologically and instigating unrest and chaos. Their actions are aimed to set the stage for massacre of the residents.

Last Sunday 5 political prisoners were executed and it seems that the regime now intends to execute families of Ashraf residents who are affiliated to PMOI. We call on European Union, the United Nations Secretary General, Security Council, High Commissioner for Human Rights to adopt urgent measures to prevent executions of political prisoners in Iran. We also call for an end to the inhuman blockade of Camp Ashraf and the psychological torture of its  residents by the Iraqi government.

Alejo Vidal Quadras
Vice President of the European Parliament
President, International Committee In Search of Justice (ISJ)

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