VIDEO: No to Rouhani – Iranians rally in Paris

Iranians held a protest in Paris on January 9, 2016 against human rights abuses by the mullahs’ regime. The Iranian supporters of the main Iranian opposition group People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) pointed out that executions have significantly increased under the presidency of mullah Hassan Rouhani.

They denounced Rouhani’s planned trip to Paris on 28 January, and they urged the French government and European Union to base their relations with Iran’s regime on an improvement in the human rights situation in Iran.

The Iranian protesters in Paris’ Trocadero Square also held up banners with Twitter hashtags #No2Rouhani and #StopExecutionsIran.

The human rights situation has been deteriorating rapidly in Iran. More than 2,000 individuals have been executed during Hassan Rouhani’s tenure as President of the regime. This is the highest rate of executions in the past 25 years, and it reflects an increase over figures that had already secured Iran’s place as the nation with the most executions per capita.

On December 17, 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution strongly condemning the brutal and systematic violation of human rights in Iran, in particular the mass and arbitrary executions, increasing violence and discrimination against women and ethnic and religious minorities.

Following the adoption of the 62nd UN resolution censuring human rights abuses in Iran, the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect Maryam Rajavi called on the UN Security Council to hold the leaders of the clerical regime accountable and prosecute them for crimes against humanity. She underlined that this is a necessary step towards respecting the international community’s vote that condemned the systematic and flagrant violations of human rights in Iran.

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