VIDEO – New Yorkers say: Terrorist Rouhani, out of UN



NCRI – New Yorkers who are being informed each day by the local Iranian-American community about the abysmal human rights abuses carried out in Iran are showing their support for a call to expel the Iranian regime’s president Hassan Rouhani from the United Nations.

Iranian-Americans plan to hold a major rally on September 28 to condemn the presence of the mullahs’ President Hassan Rouhani at the UN in New York.

Watch a short video of the New Yorkers saying that the “Terrorist Rouhani is not welcome at the UN.” width=”560″ height=”315″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”> 

The rally, which is being organized by the Organization of Iranian-American Communities (OIAC), will press the international community to hold the regime in Iran accountable for its abhorrent human rights record.

The mullahs’ regime in Iran continues to execute more of its citizens per capita than any other U.N. member state. Some 2000 people have been executed under Rouhani’s watch in the past two years.

Victims of the execution spree during Rouhani’s tenure include dissidents such as supporters of the main Iranian opposition group People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, or MEK), as well as ethnic and religious minorities.

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