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HomeIran Human RightsStop executions in IranSir David Amess MP: 200 UK lawmakers back Iran’s Resistance

Sir David Amess MP: 200 UK lawmakers back Iran’s Resistance


NCRI – The “appalling atrocities, executions and mass arrests” that are taking place in Iran, especially in recent months, are the implementation of a “sinister policy aimed at terrorizing the civic society and quelling any form of dissent in the face of a growing popular dissent against the Supreme Leader and his theocracy,” Sir David Amess MP told a meeting on Iran at the United Kingdom Parliament on Monday.

“In the span of three days, following October 10, when millions around the world commemorated the World Day against Death Penalty by opposing its use, the regime authorities carried out 22 executions in six different cities around the country,” he said.

“Seventeen were hanged in a single day on October 12, including three in public on the arbitrary charges of ‘Moharebeh,’ or waging war on God. Two of the victims were juvenile offenders, hanged for alleged crimes committed when they were just 17 years old. And no one should be under any illusion that these victims got a fair hearing, proper due process or a chance to appeal. No wonder, the people in Iran are angry and outraged over this barbarity.”

Sir David said the underlying reasons for the barbarity of the mullahs’ regime in Iran is that “we have a theocratic regime with a non-existent domestic support enforcing its medieval ideology on a young population that desire for freedom and a democratic future for their country.”
“For almost four decades, this regime is still waging a total war against its own people and has carried out over 2000 executions during the two years of its so-called ‘moderate president’ Hassan Rouhani. The problem is not complicated; indeed executions and repression are the very means by which the mullahs preserve their mediaeval regime ensuring that the Supreme Leader’s power remains absolute.”
“Regretfully, we in the West and other democratic countries have allowed the regime to get away with all its crimes for far too long. As a result the regime has expanded its killings to abroad targeting dissidents, including Camp Liberty, or threatening our free societies with terror attacks and bombings by its affiliates.”
“The direct consequences of our silence are that the Iranian regime’s active military participation in support of Assad regime’s massacre in Syria and Tehran’s continuous support for terrorist proxies in Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Bahrain and other parts of the region.”
“If Western governments had stood up to the systematic and ongoing abuse of human rights in Iran, demanding accountability for those responsible for the execution of 120,000 political dissidents and supporters of Iran’s democratic opposition, the NCRI and the PMOI, or the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, the theocratic regime could have never expanded their barbarity in Syria, and the crisis that we all seeing on our television sets today.”
“Iran has been and remains to be the source of instability in the region, there can be absolutely no doubt about that. Any other conclusion is just a wishful thinking. This situation can only be addressed properly if our government and our western allies change their misguided approach towards Tehran and abandon their pursuit of a conciliatory policy toward Iran, hoping that would encourage the theocratic regime to change its unacceptable behavior, voluntarily. We need to back up words with concrete actions.”
Sir David Amess MP said the British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom has put forward a series of policy recommendations in a statement to the UK government to review its policy on Iran, recommending the following:
“First – We must make it clear to rulers of Iran that their behavior towards their own people is totally unacceptable. We must not turn a blind eye to the grave violation of human rights in Iran. The human rights situation in Iran must be a priority in any bilateral relationship.”
“Secondly – we need to engage with Iran’s democratic opposition, the National Council of Resistance of Iran and support the 10-point platform of the NCRI president-elect, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, which commits to the abolition of death penalty, ending the use of torture in future Iran and calls for a democratic, non-nuclear Iran with separation of religion and state, gender equality and elimination of all religious and ethnic discrimination.”
“I am glad to announce that over 200 of my colleagues from both Houses of Parliament and from all major parties have declared their support for these policy recommendations and hopefully we can increase the number further in the near future.”
“Our message to the government is clear, we can no longer afford to ignore the democratic aspirations and desire of Iranian people for change. We can no longer dismiss their legitimate Resistance to the theocracy in Tehran,” he added.