Perviz Khazai: Iran regime major cause of regional instability


NCRI – The mullahs’ regime in Iran is not a reliable partner for peace in the Middle East; rather it is a major part of the problem, Mr. Perviz Khazai, a former Iranian ambassador and the representative in Scandinavia of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), has said.

Mr. Perviz Khazai addressed a Geneva conference on September 18 on the sidelines of the 30th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Iranians plan to rally outside the United Nations in New York on September 28 to denounce the visit by the mullahs’ President Hassan Rouhani to the UN General Assembly.

The rally, which is being organized by the Organization of Iranian-American Communities (OIAC), will press the international community to hold the regime in Iran accountable for its abhorrent human rights record.

The mullahs’ regime in Iran continues to execute more of its citizens per capita than any other U.N. member state. Some 2000 people have been executed under Rouhani in the past two years.

Text of remarks by Mr. Perviz Khazai, former Ambassador, member of the International Association of Lawyers (Norwegian branch), the NCRI’s representative in Scandinavian countries:

Human Rights Situation in the Middle East
Friday 18 September 2015 (15h30 – 17h00)
Palais des Nations – Room XXI

I would like to be very short and elaborate on 3 points which are actually the core of the problem in the Middle East.

The first point is: Daesh (ISIL). Has it started now? Has it developed recently? Does it have a root in the history of Islam? And also in the history of the modern Islam? And also particularly after the establishment of the so-called Islamic Republic of Iran. The answer is NO. This is not the first time the world is facing Daesh or something like the Islamic State. In the modern history, in contemporary history, that started in 1979, when the Iranian revolution was hijacked by Khomeini. And if you look at the constitution of the Iranian regime, you can see very clearly that from article 4 to the end, the leader is the representative of God on the earth, and the Messiah. And he has to establish Islamic State not only in the Islamic countries but article 19 says that it has to expand. The whole world should be one day Islamic. Is it not a caliphate? The western countries are blinded. I am also a western man. I am a member of the Norwegian Labour Party. I am ashamed that they have woken up today, whereas the Iranian resistance – Mrs. Rajavi – said many, many years ago that Islamic fundamentalism is a global threat to the world. So we must not go in the same play that we went before the Second World War with appeasement policies.

The second thing is: Is this regime a reliable partner in order to contain fundamentalism? Contain the troubles in the Middle East? The answer is NO. Because this regime is the stone layer of all the political and security upheavals and problems in the Middle East. And the strategy of this regime is based on two things. One: Suppression at home. Two: Exporting the so called revolution. So this regime is not going to be a partner. It is a part of the problem of the Middle East and the world at large.

And the third thing is that: Should we think that the atomic deal with the regime will be conducive to the betterment of the situation inside Iran? And also to the betterment of the situation in the Middle East? The answer is a big NO. Ladies and gentlemen, this regime has a strategy to bring the Islamic Republic Union as a Soviet Union to the world. It did not succeed in Iraq thanks to the Resistance’s army, which broke the bone of Khomeini in 1988. So this regime is not going to be a partner. This regime is not going to be lenient inside Iran. If Qaddafi who made an atomic deal with the West was more democratic after this deal, one could really draw an example. What about the leader of North Korea after the atomic deal with Mr. Clinton in 1991. Is he a lenient man? Is he a democratic man? Or is he going to contribute to peace and security in the world? Then you can think that this regime is going to be a partner in the world. So let’s wake up. Let’s face the reality that this regime is the core of all problems in Yemen, in Syria, in Iraq, in Lebanon, in Bahrain, they are trying their best to destabilize that wonderful country. This is after the atomic deal. The Kuwait government have arrested many terrorists who were going to import to Kuwait tens of kilos of explosives to destabilize this little country.

Thank you very much.

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