Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran: Executions continue on verge of World Day Against the Death Penalty

The cycle of crime and incessant execution in an Iran under the rule of the mullahs even continues to victimize the Iranian people and...

Pastor Robert Gahagen supports Iran human rights rally in NY

NCRI - Pastor Robert Gahagen of the Church of Epiphany in New York has declared his support for the upcoming rally for human rights...

Iran: Continuing Wave of Brutal Executions, A Desperate Attempt to Deal with Uprisings and...

Accusations made by the mullahs, such as insulting the Prophet of Islam, not wearing hijab, or improper veiling, are medieval excuses used to prevent...

Iran: 99 Executions in the Last 30 Days, With 359 Executions Since the Beginning...

Calling for an international investigation mission to visit prisons and take immediate action to save the lives of death-row prisoners The torture and killing spree...
italian fofi martyrs (1)

Italian Parliamentary Committee Calls for a Firm Global Policy towards Iran’s Regime

The Italian Committee of Parliamentarians for a Free Iran has recently issued a statement denouncing the new wave of executions in Iran, particularly...

Iran: Sentencing Prisoners to Death in Public, Clerical Regime’s New Cycle of Savagery

The clerical regime’s judiciary has sentenced two prisoners to death in public. According to the state-run media, Tabnak, on March 27, Massoud Massoudifar, head...

Iran regime, ISIS, fundamentalists united in ideology – NCRI rep.

NCRI – The terror group ISIS, the mullahs’ regime in Iran and other fundamentalist forces in the region are united in ideology against freedom...

Iran: Asghar Mehdizadeh, the Survivor of the 1988 Massacre Testifies in Hamid Noury Trial

On Friday, the third session of Hamid Noury’s trial in Albania was held. Noury is an Iranian prison official who had participated in the 1988 massacre...

VIDEO – New Yorkers say: Terrorist Rouhani, out of UN

NCRI - New Yorkers who are being informed each day by the local Iranian-American community about the abysmal human rights abuses carried out in...

Iran: Seven Prisoners Hanged in Rasht, Maragheh, Zahedan, and Urmia

On Monday morning, January 31, 2022, the clerical regime hanged Hossein Kaveh, 50, in Lakan (Rasht) Prison after nine years in prison. On Sunday, January...