Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Execution of 12 Prisoners in a Ruthless Manner on Wednesday, with 56 Executions in...

Maryam Rajavi: Urgent Call to Halt the Execution Machine and Massacre by the Mullahs' Regime In fear of being overthrown and in an attempt to...

Wave of Brutal Executions Continues in Iran: 9 Executions in Two Days

Monday, execution of 5 prisoners, including 4 young Kurdish compatriots; Sunday, 4 executions, including two young Baluch brothers Mrs. Maryam Rajavi strongly condemned the escalating...
iran execution hamidreza azari unga (1)

Global Community Tested as Regime Executes Minor Boy in Iran

Once again, the determination of the international community was tested by the clerical dictatorship on Friday, November 24, when it carried out the execution...

Iran: Call for Urgent Action to Save Reza Rasaei and Habib Deris, Two Political...

The Iranian Resistance calls on the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN Human Rights Council, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation...

Death Penalty in Iran, A Tool to Control the Unyielding Society

  “A chilling whisper lingered in the air as he disclosed these unsettling words, meant for my ears only. 'You believe these sentences from the...

Wave of Mass Executions Continues in Fear of Uprising, 30 Executions in the Past...

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi: Appeasement of religious fascism, which only remains in power through executions at home and terrorism and warmongering abroad, has encouraged it...

Mostafa Pourmohammadi Attempts to Whitewash Role in Iran’s 1988 Massacre

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGG5oQVQz0U Four-minute read In a recently recorded interview, Mostafa Pourmohammadi, a key figure implicated in the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran, sought to justify...
International community should secure th relase of the MEK supporters and families arrested by the regime to prevent a bloodshed.

Iran’s Regime is Breaking Records in Execution

Two individuals were executed in Bandar Abbas prison on Wednesday, November 8, bringing the total number of prisoners executed by the Iranian regime to...
iran protesters death row court

Can Khamenei Quell Iran’s Restive Society through Executions?

Two minutes read Recent figures reveal a chilling reality: the Iranian regime executed a minimum of 99 individuals in the month of Dey alone (December...
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Cruel Execution of Political Prisoner Hani Albushahbazi from Arab Compatriots – 31 Executions in...

The criminal agents of Khamenei executed political prisoner Hani Albushahbazi, a young rebel from Arab compatriots and from the brave people of Shadegan (Falahiya),...