Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran: “The MEK Woman Chanted Anti-regime Slogans Once Seeing the Noose” Ex-prisoner Testifies at...

“I heard the guards speaking of a woman who chanted anti-regime slogans once she saw the noose,” Amir Houshang Atyabi told the prosecutor at...
hani albushahbasi (1)

Cruel Execution of Political Prisoner Hani Albushahbazi from Arab Compatriots – 31 Executions in...

The criminal agents of Khamenei executed political prisoner Hani Albushahbazi, a young rebel from Arab compatriots and from the brave people of Shadegan (Falahiya),...
Iran, against, humanity, massacre, violation, coronavirus, irgc, sanctions, EU, Europe, NCRI, MEK

LIVE REPORT: Iran Regime’s Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity – Time for Europe To Act

Ongoing crimes against humanity in Iran at the hands of the ruling mullahs’ regime should be condemned by the international community and the European...

Iranians in Paris say ‘No to Rouhani’

NCRI - Iranians in Paris on Saturday held a rally in support of human rights in Iran and to denounce the soaring rate of executions...

Frequent Group Executions and Medical Deprivation Raise Death Tolls in Iran’s Prisons

On Sunday, four inmates were executed in Arak Prison, where four others had already been executed the previous Wednesday. On August 18 and 15,...

IRAN: Put Rouhani to test in his European tour

Townhall By Ken Blackwell This weekend and early next week Hassan Rouhani will be making his first visit to Europe as the president of...
Milad Zohrehvand iran (1)

Iran: Execution of the Uprising Prisoner Milad Zohrehvand, 21, in Hamedan Prison

Execution of 9 prisoners on November 22 and 23 The criminal agents of Khamenei executed the uprising prisoner, Milad Zohrehvand, 21, a brave son of...

Iran: Sixty Executions in One Month, 14 in 6 Days

At least 60 prisoners were executed by the clerical regime within one month, from December 22, 2022, to January 20, 2023. The executions have...

Maryam Rajavi’s message to Italian Senate conference on Iran

Maryam Rajavi: Those describing Rouhani as a moderate seek to justify their relations with the criminal Iranian regime We warn Western governments against shaking...
iran executing young men

Vicious Executions of 6 Prisoners in Iran on Tuesday

24 Executions in the Past Week, Including Two Underage Teenagers Khamenei's criminals hanged six prisoners on Tuesday, November 28, including Eghbal Fathollahi, Mohsen Amiri, and...