Tuesday, July 16, 2024

On Khamenei’s Order, Regime Hangs Two Detained Protesters, Mohammad Mehdi Karami and Seyed Mohammad...

Iran Protest-No. 219 On the orders of the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and despite domestic and international outcries, two detained protesters, Mohammad Mahdi Karami (22)...
mohammad javad vafaei thani canadian friends of free iran

CFDI Calls on UN to Stop Execution of Iranian Political Prisoner

In a letter to United Nations High Human Rights Commissioner Volker Turk, the Canadian Friends of  Democratic Iran, a parliamentary group of the Canadian...

Iranian dissidents tells Italian Senate of human rights abuses

NCRI - Iranian dissident Shaqayeq Azimi, 22, whose parents were arrested last month in Iran by the fundamentalist regime for supporting the main Iranian opposition...

Statement by France’s Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran

NCRI – The following is the text of a statement issued by France's Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran (CPID) at the end of a...
iran fofiaf three martyrs (1)

Nordic Interparliamentary Group Condemns Iran Regime’s Ongoing Human Rights Violations 

In a strong condemnation of the Iranian regime's actions, Friends of a Free Iran and Against Fundamentalism have expressed their deepest outrage at the...

Noury’s Trial: Shadi Sadr Testified About Iran Regime’s Attempts To Wipe Evidence of 1988...

Wednesday, March 23, marked the seventy-seventh session of Hamid Noury’s trial in Sweden. Noury, an Iranian prison official, was apprehended in 2019 upon arrival...

Week-long campaign in France to protest executions in Iran

On the eve of Rouhani’s trip to France A week-long campaign in protest against executions in Iran and missile attack on Camp Liberty ...

Iran’s January Executions Reaffirm the Longstanding Need for Pressure on Human Rights

In the first month of 2021, the Iranian regime carried out the execution of at least 27 prisoners in line with its 40 years of human...

Public Hanging of Political Prisoner, Iman Sabzikar, in Shiraz

International Call To Condemn This Crime Against Humanity and Refer Iran Regime’s Human Rights Abuses to Un Security Council, and Bring Its Leaders to...

Iran: Ruthless Execution of Arman Abdolali Despite International Calls and Protests

Arman Was 17 Years Old at the Time of His Arrest On Wednesday, November 24, 2021, after eight years in prison, Arman Abdolali was executed...