Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Live broadcast: “World Day Against the Death Penalty”

NCRI – On the occasion of the World Day Against the Death Penalty on Saturday, an international gathering will be held in Paris to...

Young people seek change in Iran – Baroness Betty Boothroyd

NCRI - Young Iranians who are fed up with the theocratic dictatorship in power in Iran are yearning for change, Baroness Betty Boothroyd, the former...

Iran: Public Execution of Prisoner in Bushehr Province in Response to the Death of...

Execution of Three Baloch Citizens in Zahedan and Kerman, Over 200 Criminal Executions in the Past Three Months  In Fear of the outbreak of the...

Man hanged in Iran, 9 others at imminent risk of execution

NCRI - Iran's fundamentalist regime has hanged a prisoner in southern Iran and transferred at least nine other death-row prisoners to solitary confinement in...

Iran: Executions continue on verge of World Day Against the Death Penalty

The cycle of crime and incessant execution in an Iran under the rule of the mullahs even continues to victimize the Iranian people and...
iran fofiaf three martyrs (1)

Nordic Interparliamentary Group Condemns Iran Regime’s Ongoing Human Rights Violations 

In a strong condemnation of the Iranian regime's actions, Friends of a Free Iran and Against Fundamentalism have expressed their deepest outrage at the...

UN must protect Iranians in Camp Liberty – Steve McCabe MP

NCRI - British lawmaker Steve McCabe has urged the United Kingdom government to press the United Nations to recognize Camp Liberty as a refugee camp....
iran families deathrow inmates (1)

Relentless Killing Machine of Khamenei in Iran: Suppressing Uprising at All Costs

7 Executions Today, 11 Executions in the Last 4 Days Persistent Transfer of Death Row Inmates to Solitary Confinement Protest Gathering by Families of Death Row...

UK lawmakers to discuss human rights situation in Iran

NCRI - Cross-Party British lawmakers plan to hold a conference in the United Kingdom Parliament on Monday on the deteriorating human rights situation in...

‘Focus on human rights in Iran and say No to Rouhani in Paris’

NCRI - An Iranian human rights group in France, CSDHI, hosted an online conference on Wednesday January 6 in which it was announced that...