Tuesday, July 16, 2024
iran uprising protester forced confession 1

Iran: Forced Confessions Used to Convict Detained Protesters and Justify Executions

With the ongoing protests in Iran severely threatening the existence of the Iranian regime, regime officials have felt the need to order as many...
iran execution hamidreza azari unga (1)

Global Community Tested as Regime Executes Minor Boy in Iran

Once again, the determination of the international community was tested by the clerical dictatorship on Friday, November 24, when it carried out the execution...

Three prisoners hanged in public in southern Iran

NCRI - The mullahs' regime on Monday hanged three prisoners in public in Kazeroun, southern Iran. The three prisoners were hanged at dawn in the...

Sec. Tom Ridge: Dangerous deal with Iran’s mullahs

NCRI - Speaking on the sidelines of a major protest against the Iranian regime's President Hassan Rouhani outside the United Nations building in New...

The 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran and the nuclear deal

A former Iranian political prisoner has described his torment during the seven years he spent in the mullahs' jails in Iran. Karim Moradi, an...

Documents of a Horrible Crime Against Humanity in Sepidar Prison in March 2020 in...

NCRI Security and Counterterrorism Committee Discloses   16 prisoners were murdered during the Sepidar prison riot on March 30, 2020; the names of prisoners, and fabricated...

With Hamid Noury’s Conviction, It’s Time to Hold Entire Iran’s Genocidal Regime Accountable  

On Thursday, July 14, a court in Sweden convicted Hamid Noury of life imprisonment for his role in the 1988 massacre of over 30,000...
Photo of gallows

Iran: 25 Execution in 8 Days

Regime Announces Hand Amputations and More Executions The Iranian regime continues criminal executions to create terror and intimidation in a society increasingly poised to rise...

Iran: 14 Executions in Five Days; Rising Pressures on Political Prisoners, Especially on Women,...

The mullahs’ regime hanged five prisoners in Yazd prison on Thursday, August 18. Three of the victims (Hamid, Khodarahm Naroui, and Saeed Kashani) had...

Text of declaration on Iran by 70 French lawmakers

NCRI – A cross-party group of 70 French lawmakers issued a statement to the government of François Hollande this week, urging Paris to extend...