Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Belgian Lawmakers Condemn Iran Regime’s Execution of Mostafa Salehi, Its Ongoing Human Rights Violations

Lawmakers from Belgium condemned the Iranian regime’s execution of Mostafa Salehi as well as the ongoing human rights violations in Iran, in a letter...

Iran: Executions Stepped Up. Why?

Many countries have abolished the death penalty. Yet, Iran, under the ruling theocracy, where Cyrus the Great wrote the first-ever declaration of human rights,...

Appalling Record of Human Rights Violations in First Year of Raisi’s Presidency

521 Executions, Horrific Punishments of Eye Gauging, Hand Amputations, Public Executions, Escalation of Crackdown on Women Ebrahim Raisi, known as the henchman of 1988, completed...

Iran’s “Butcher” President Must Be Rebuffed on the World Stage, or Arrested

Iran’s regime President Ebrahim Raisi has signaled his intention to attend the United Nations General Assembly in September. For him to do so, the...

Iran’s Raisi Prepares To Enter US After Forcefully Disappearing Tens of Thousands

  August 30 marks the International Day of the Disappeared, trying to draw attention to the fate of individuals imprisoned or perished unbeknownst to their...

Iran: Ten Executed in Zahedan, Isfahan, Shiraz, Zanjan and Birjand

Fingers of Two Prisoners Amputated in Evin and Gohardasht On Sunday, September 11, 2022, the Iranian regime hanged two prisoners Hassan Agha Mohammadi in Dastgerd...

Iran: 71 Hanged in One Month; 28 Executions in the Third Week of August...

Call for Immediate Action To Stop Regime’s Execution Machine, Bring Khamenei and Raisi to Justice The failure in curbing popular uprisings has significantly heightened the...

My Journey Through the Dark Corridors of Fear

Ms. Azadeh Alemi spoke to a conference on January 17, 2022, featuring international dignitaries, including Guy Verhofstadt, the former Prime Minister of Belgium; Fredrick...

Iran: The Killing Field for Athletes and National Heroes

In other countries around the world, athletes are considered national treasures. But the regime ruling Iran mistreats, arrests, and executes Iranian athletes. On January 9,...

Hamid Noury in His 86th Trial Session: Only Those Who Cooperated Would Have Furlough 

On Thursday, April 21, the Court of Stockholm that is currently trying Hamid Noury, a former prison guard accused of participating in the execution...