Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran: “The MEK Woman Chanted Anti-regime Slogans Once Seeing the Noose” Ex-prisoner Testifies at...

“I heard the guards speaking of a woman who chanted anti-regime slogans once she saw the noose,” Amir Houshang Atyabi told the prosecutor at...

Iran: Executions Stepped Up. Why?

Many countries have abolished the death penalty. Yet, Iran, under the ruling theocracy, where Cyrus the Great wrote the first-ever declaration of human rights,...

Iran: Six Prisoners Executed in Zahedan, Mashhad, and Shiraz

The clerical regime executed Hafizollah Brahui and Najibollah Gargich, two Baluch prisoners, in Zahedan and Mashhad prisons on Thursday, February 3, 2022. The day...
Noury’s Ineffectual Defense Sets Stage for Prosecution of Iran’s Raisi

Iran: “Guards Beat MEK Supporters 3 Times a Day Before Giving Food,” Ex-political Prisoner...

“Every day, when the guards opened the solitary cells, they started beating the MEK’s prisoners,” Rahman Darkeshideh testified on Thursday, January 27, during the...

Iran: “Guards Were Moving Bodies To Free Space” Ex-prisoner Testifies at Hamid Noury’s Trial...

  “For 12 nights, I saw guards loading trucks with bodies. It was harrowing.” These are the words of Amir Houshang Atyabi, a former Iranian...

Iran: Seven Prisoners Hanged in Rasht, Maragheh, Zahedan, and Urmia

On Monday morning, January 31, 2022, the clerical regime hanged Hossein Kaveh, 50, in Lakan (Rasht) Prison after nine years in prison. On Sunday, January...

My Journey Through the Dark Corridors of Fear

Ms. Azadeh Alemi spoke to a conference on January 17, 2022, featuring international dignitaries, including Guy Verhofstadt, the former Prime Minister of Belgium; Fredrick...

Growing Sense of Urgency Fuels Largest Appeal for UN Inquiry Into Iran’s 1988 Massacre

On Thursday, the U.K.-based Justice for the Victims of the 1988 Massacre in Iran (JVMI) held a press conference at the Church House in...

Iran: The Killing Field for Athletes and National Heroes

In other countries around the world, athletes are considered national treasures. But the regime ruling Iran mistreats, arrests, and executes Iranian athletes. On January 9,...

Iran:12 Executed in Two Days, 45 in the Past 30 Days

With the Surge in Executions, Clerical Regime’s Crimes Must Be Referred to the UN Security Council   Terrified of protests and uprisings, the clerical regime has...