IRAN: Ten Prisoners Hanged on Sunday


NCRI – This morning, Sunday, December 11, Iran regime collectively hanged 10 prisoners in western Tehran, Gohardasht prison.
Victims were transferred to solitary confinement yesterday.

It is noteworthy that almost three weeks ago in a statement by the Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran on November 23, 2016 was announced that on the same day Iran regime had publicly hanged four young people collectively in the Qeshm Island in Hormozgan the same statement it was mentioned, Hassan Norouzi, a member of the regime’s Parliament in a shocking confession had stated: “5,000 people aged 20 to 30 years old are on death row. Most of them are first-time drug offenders” (Mehr state run news agency – November 23).

Youssefian, another member of parliament had said: “We have executed so many, we execute every day. … Rajaeeshahr 30, another place 20, another place 10, what was the result? In 1990 when I was the prosecutor in Mazandaran province, a report came from the office of education that when you execute one person, 20 to 30 other students don’t come to school… a lady said in the court … in Iran it is not the individual who gets executed , a whole family is executed,.” (Farhang state-run radio November 23).

The NCRI statement further concluded. “Any relationship with this medieval regime, which maintains power only through torture and execution, must be contingent upon a halt to executions. Ignoring the appalling record of human rights violations by the clerical regime under any pretext emboldens Iran’s ruling criminals.”


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