Iran: Execution of Meisam Chandani in Zahedan After 12 Years of Imprisonment on Charges of Involvement in the Killing of Three Suppressive Agents

maysam chandani (1)

Execution of 18 prisoners only on Wednesday, November 8, and 67 executions in the last 20 days

The clerical regime’s henchmen hanged political prisoner Meisam Chandani (Dehghani), 34, today in Zahedan Central Prison, following 12 years of imprisonment and torture on charges of participating in the killing of three regime suppressive agents. Simultaneously, two Baluchi compatriots, one of them named Abdulhaq Gomshadzehi, were hanged by the executioners in Zahedan Central Prison.

Meisam Chandani was arrested in September 2011 at the age of just 22 in the Bakhshan district of Saravan by the Saravan Intelligence Department, transferred to the Zahedan Intelligence Detention Center, and after about a year, moved to Zahedan Central Prison. In a sham trial, he was sentenced to death on false charges of “acting against national security” and “waging war against God through armed action”.

On the other hand, on Wednesday, November 8, the henchmen of Khamenei in a mass execution hanged 18 prisoners, 12 of whom were announced executed on the November 8 NCRI statement. Additionally, on the same day, two prisoners in Bandar Abbas Central Prison, two prisoners named Khodadad Rahimi and Saber Alikhani in Kashan Prison, Ali Abbasi in Gorgan Central Prison, and one prisoner in Kermanshah Central Prison were hanged.

On Thursday, November 9, the regime’s henchmen hanged a prisoner named Abdulreza Gholami in Gorgan Central Prison, and on November 6, one of Baluchi compatriots named Hamed Barahui was hanged in Isfahan Central Prison. On November 1, 9 prisoners were executed by Khamenei’s henchmen, with the names of 8 of them announced in the November 2 and 5 statements. On this day, another prisoner was hanged in Tabriz. Thus, the number of recorded executions in the past 20 days reached 67.

The Iranian Resistance considers the international community’s silence and inaction against the mullahs’ regime, which has set unprecedented records in crime, terrorism, and warmongering, as an incentive for this regime to continue and intensify its crimes against humanity. The Resistance urges immediate action by the United Nations, the European Union, and member states to stop the killing machine of the mullahs’ regime and save the lives of those under execution, especially political prisoners.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

November 11, 2023

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