Iran: 37 Executions, Including One Woman, in the Past 10 Days


Call to Action to Stop Executions in Iran

Ali Khamenei, in fear of a popular uprising, continues to carry out brutal executions of prisoners. Today, Monday, April 29, the regime’s executioners hanged three prisoners in Isfahan prison. On Sunday, April 28, Rashed Baluch and Hojjat Shams Khani were executed in Bandar Abbas, and another Baluch compatriot named Mansour Naroui was executed in Gonbad Kavous. On Saturday, April 27, three prisoners named Sohrab Hokmabad, Amir Mahrami, and Davoud Namiari were hanged in Tabriz Central Prison, and Iraj Sanamiri was hanged in Arak Prison. On Tuesday, April 23, two prisoners were hanged in Gorgan and Arak.

On Wednesday, April 24, Khamenei’s henchmen executed at least eight prisoners, and on April 21, they executed 16 prisoners, the names of 19 of whom were listed in the NCRI statement released on April 25.

Thus, the number of registered executions in the past 10 days has risen to at least 37 prisoners.

In another criminal act, agents of the repressive State Security Forces opened fire on the car of two young men named Mohannad Khashnan and Younes Chah Ahmadi in Bandar Abbas on Saturday, April 27, which resulted in the car catching fire and the death of both young men.

The Iranian Resistance once again calls on the United Nations, relevant bodies, the European Union, and its member states to take immediate action to stop the torture and execution machine in the mullahs’ warmongering dictatorship and save the lives of thousands of prisoners on death row. The ringleaders of this regime, especially Ali Khamenei, Ebrahim Raisi, and Gholamhossein Ejehi, who have always been among the top officials and perpetrators of crimes against humanity and genocide in the past 45 years, must be brought to justice. Their impunity is a green light for the continuation of slaughter and crime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

29 April 2024

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