In photos: French personalities call for end to executions in Iran


Upgrade in ties to Iran must be based on improvement in human rights

As Hassan Rouhani, President of Iran’s regime, plans to travel to Paris this month, French political, social and religious personalities have joined an online photocall campaign to demand a halt to executions in Iran. They demanded that any upgrade in France’s ties to Iran’s regime be based on an improvement in the human rights situation and a halt to executions in Iran.

The photocalls are being launched with the Twitter hashtags: #No2Rouhani and #StopExecutionsIran which are being promoted by the France-based Committee in Support of Human Rights in Iran (CSDHI) with the help of dozens of others associations.

Participants in the photocall campaign represent a wide array of French personalities including leaders of France’s Muslim community. They reiterated that there have been no signs of “moderation” or “reform” during Rouhani’s presidency. If anything, the human rights situation in Iran under Rouhani has drastically deteriorated.
More than 2000 people have been hanged in Iran during Hassan Rouhani’s tenure as President, a three-fold increase compared to the level of executions under his predecessor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Simultaneous with Hassan Rouhani’s trip to France, a major rally has been planned in Paris on January 28 against human rights abuses and the wave of executions in Iran.

A considerable number of French personalities and citizens have supported the call to protest.


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