State Media Acknowledge the Depth of Iran’s COVID-19 Crisis


Iran’s Covid-19 crisis has reached a critical point and continues to worsen every moment, and due to the regime’s inhumane Covid-19 policy, thousands of Iranians are dying daily. 

Even the regime’s engineered Covid-19 statistics indicate the depth of the current humanitarian crisis in Iran.   

“Yesterday, Iran ranked first in the world in terms of the number of new cases with more than 42,000 patients and second in the world in terms of the number of deaths. It is reported that medical centers in 31 provinces of the country are surrounded by patients infected with delta coronavirus,” wrote official Iran daily on August 12. 

According to the Iranian opposition, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), Iran’s Covid-19 death toll has surpassed 360,600 as of Friday, August 13, 2021. 

“Deaths from the disease are also rising sharply. Reports from medical staff suggest that hospitals are full of patients diagnosed with Covid-19 and that the increase in the number of deaths has made it difficult to move bodies by ambulance. The death tsunami targeted the cities of the country point by point. All the hospitals in the country are exploding, and death is swarming in them,” Iran daily acknowledged on Thursday. 

The situation has reached a point that Iran’s state media and officials acknowledged and how the regime created and amplified it.  

“Although coronavirus entered the country in January 2020 due to Mahan Airlines flights to China, authorities officially announced its existence in the last days of February 2020. If we review the authorities’ actions from that day until now, we will find that at first, they not only did not take the danger of the coronavirus seriously but also sought to normalize it,” wrote the state-run Setar-e Sobh daily on August 14. 

The Iranian Resistance revealed documents obtained from the National Emergency Organization at the beginning of the pandemic. According to the Iranian Resistance, these documents show that “By late January, several infected individuals were identified in Tehran and the regime had allocated certain hospitals such as Massih Daneshvar, Yaftabad, and Khomeini to deal with these patients. The authorities tried their utmost to prevent any information about these cases from leaking.” 

“When authorities believed in the danger of the coronavirus, they claimed they could detect the virus with a plate from 100 meters. They have also repeatedly lied that the domestic vaccine will be mass-produced by February 2021 or the end of the Persian Year of 1399 or the spring of 1400, and they will export the surplus of domestic vaccines abroad. In one case, the Red Crescent returned 150,000 doses of vaccine donated by Iranians abroad from the airport,” Setar-e Sobh adds.   

“Officials refused to listen, and the crisis happened. They did not listen, and there came a humanitarian crisis. We cried for quarantining the city, and now there is not even an empty hospital bed in this mourning city. Now everything from IV fluids to coffins and ambulances is scarce. Hundreds of families lose their loved ones due to the negligence of the authorities every day, and our question is how many people have to die, how many families have to mourn so that those ‘officials’ come to their senses?” wrote the state-run Sharq daily on August 14. 

“There is no life and energy left for the medical staff. It has been reported that several medical staff has written their resignations; But due to lack of manpower, their requests were not approved. There is bitter and worrying news for the coming months in Mashhad. The fifth wave of Covid-19 has not only reached its peak rather, with recent rallies, but it takes a longer time to reach the peak,” Sharq adds. 

“When the World Health Organization experts came to Iran, instead of consulting with them, we constantly asked them to praise the [regime’s] health system in the media. We hid the death toll from the World Health Organization. We rejected the international aid and Médecins Sans Frontières without having much knowledge about the virus and did not seek international advice,” said Alireza Zali, head of Tehran Covid-19 Task Force, according to the state-run Hamshahri daily on August 12. 

Zali warned that “We have much more bitter news for the coming weeks, and things will get much worse. The Covid-19 Delta variant spread and lasted three months in India; they quickly vaccinated everyone.” 

Iran’s Covid-19 crisis could have been controlled by now if the regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, had not banned vaccines in early 2021, and the regime had no concealed the reality from the public. The regime officials refused to announce a nationwide lockdown, and when they did, they refused to financially back people, forcing people back to work. 

“Authorities barred about 23 million doses of the vaccine from entering the country by the end of March. This action resulted in thousands of deaths. In recent days, it was revealed what happened behind the scene of banning vaccines. The words of the Covid-19 Task Force in Tehran province, the foreign minister, and the head of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce showed that the vaccine could be imported, but apparently hidden hands prevented it,” Setar-e Sobh wrote in this regard.  

Khamenei and his regime used the Covid-19 to control Iran’s restive society, following the major protests in November 2019 that threatened the regime’s existence. Now the situation is out of the regime’s control, and soon, it will see the consequences of sending people to the Covid-19 minefields. 

“Now the question is, what is the response of the authorities to the death of thousands of Iranians?” Setar-e Sobh asked officials in this regard.  

“Iran is in a difficult situation where any comment is quickly transmitted virally in the society which is like dangerous gunpowder that will ignite with the slightest spark,” Ebtekar daily warned on August 13.  

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