Tuesday, July 16, 2024
HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsState Department spokesman says Maliki government accountable for WikiLeaks ‎abuses

State Department spokesman says Maliki government accountable for WikiLeaks ‎abuses

CrowleyNCRI – The US State Department has said that the Iraqi government would bear any ‎responsibility for human rights violations or ill-treatment of Iraqi citizens, according to al-‎Sharqiya TV.‎


Speaking to reporters about the thousands of classified documents released by the ‎whistleblowing organization WikiLeaks, Philip Crowley, the State Department’s ‎spokesman, said that the US is not responsible for the crimes committed by Iraqi forces in ‎prisons.‎

According to al-Sharqiya, he added: if it is a question of holding somebody accountable, ‎then it should concern first and foremost concern the Iraqi government and how it has ‎treated its citizens.‎