Rights abuses in Iran shocked audience in Stockholm seminar

NCRI – In a seminar in Stockholm organized by human rights groups and the Association of Iranian Women on Thursday, October 25, recent video clips and pictures of public hangings and degrading punishments shocked the audience.

Several speakers expressed their abhorrence over the state of human rights in Iran and expressed their solidarity with Iranian people and their resistance to rid the country from the clerical rule.

A former political prisoner who had served 10 years in jail in Iran spoke about his experience and the kind of tortures he suffered. He told the seminar about savage tortures used on prisoners in order to force them repent and go on national TV to denounce the opposition.

Participants also expressed their support to student protests across Iran which has been going on for several months and the regime has not been able to quail it despite intense repression and widespread arrests, torture and executions.

Women’s role in recent protest moves was praised especially their active participation in student demonstrations and protests.

Among dignitaries who addressed the seminar was former Swedish MP Mr. Henrick Jarel. He admired Iranian people’s determination to stand firm against the mullahs’ regime and offered his support to Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s third option for democratic change in Iran.

Other speakers called on EU to end its disgraceful policy of appeasement of the mullahs and remove the main Iranian opposition, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) from its list of banned groups. They considered it as collaboration with the medieval dictatorship in its suppression of democracy movement in Iran.

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