Reporters Without Borders: Khamenei, Ahmadinejad, enemies of freedom of press

NCRI – On the occasion of the international day of free press, Reporters Without Borders said in a statement on May3: Enemies of freedom of press in Iran, Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, and Mahmud Ahmadinejad, are the architects of a relentless crackdown marked by Stalinist-style trials of opposition politicians, journalists and human rights activists.


Referring to the suppression in Iran, the statement said: More than 200 journalists and bloggers have been arrested since June 2009, 40 are still held for accusations such as insulting the Leader or the President, or for espionage, action against national security, or distributing lies, and around 100 have had to flee the country.

Reporters Without Borders also called for a special UN rapporteur to be urgently sent to Iran.

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