Reporters Without Borders: Iran Is One of the World’s Biggest Prisons for Journalists


On Wednesday, April 26 ‘Reporters without Borders’ reported, that Iran continues to remain one of the world’s five big prisons for media activists and Khamenei is still on the list of the enemies of press freedoms.
The report indicates that the Iranian regime has imprisoned dozens of journalists and web bloggers on alleged charges of “acting against national security” and even “moral corruption.”

Due to such horrible prison conditions and depriving prisoners of medical treatment, many prisoners of conscience and journalists have to go on hunger strike to demand their very basic rights. For this reason, at least ten journalists risked their lives over the past year.

According to Reportes without Borders, media freedom was one of the key demands of the revolution that toppled the Shah and swept Ayatollah Khomeiny to power in 1979, but it is a promise that has never been kept. The media are mostly under the Islamic regime’s close control and there has been no let-up in the persecution of independent journalists, citizen journalists, and media outlets. Media personnel are still constantly exposed to intimidation, arbitrary arrest, and long jail sentences imposed by revolutionary courts at the end of unfair trials. Despite an improvement in its international relations, Iran continues to be one of the world’s five biggest prisons for media personnel.

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