Remembering Sir David Ames, Decades’ Long Commitment for a Free Iran


Our world today is stained with hostility and division. Unlike so many things we humans have in common, we grow apart on every occasion. Yet there are those who can’t bear to live the comfort of their own success, they wish to overcome the differences and go extra light-years to share their joy with others.

Sid David Amess a representative of the people in the House of Commons for 38 years was one of those people. He remained at the lower house for almost four decades and never claimed a ministerial or shadow governmental position. He loved to serve and serving he did. Sir David went beyond constituency and among other things, he befriended with the Iranians in diaspora, those who have suffered and weathered inhuman storms.

Sir David, stood by the Iranian Opposition for the most part of his precious political life. When events in the Middle East took a wrong turn and the shadow of doubt cast over the horizon, he wasn’t the kind of man to turn his back to the oppressed and the bewildered. He didn’t seek knowledge from biased media reports rather he learned in life through having his own take at stake. In advocating the right of the Iranian people for freedom and democracy, he had nothing to gain but everything to lose.

Yet he persisted, he fought, and most of the time, he won.

Whilst words are too shy to describe a great man like Sir David Amess, it’s important for our world to learn about him and his legacy from other great people. Those to stood next to him through thick and thin, those who might have understood him the best.


Struan Stevenson, former MEP from Scotland

“The shocking murder of Sir David Amess MP was an attack on our democracy. This unprovoked act of terror, allegedly by an Islamic fundamentalist, has taken the life, not only of a decent, hard-working, member of parliament but also of a man much loved and admired by his constituents and by politicians from across the political divide. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife, son, and four daughters and his parliamentary staff and colleagues.

David died doing the job he loved, serving his constituents at a routine ‘surgery’ in Essex. He will be fondly remembered, not only for his lifetime’s service to his country but also for his passionate advocacy for regime change in Iran, to free the Iranian people from oppression and tyranny at the hands of the theocratic fascist regime.”


John Pritchard, former Bishop of Jarrow  

It’s a huge shock to lose Sir David. When I first went to the Paris rally to support the Iranian struggle for freedom and democracy, he was immensely warm and welcoming. His natural kindness and sincerity were obvious as he quietly and effectively shepherded the British Parliamentary delegation, and every contact I had with him thereafter demonstrated that these qualities were deeply rooted in him and in his Christian faith. We will miss him sorely but continuing in the struggle will be one important way we can honour his memory.


Bob Blackman, MP for Harrow East

Friday, I saw the shocking news of the death of our good friend Sir David Amess who was murdered whilst holding a meeting with his constituency. Sir David was a great friend of the Iranian Resistance and a staunch supporter of freedom in Iran. He was the co-chair of the British Committee for Iran Freedom (BCFIF) and a frequent speaker at the rallies of the Iranian Resistance.

Sir David always said that one of the proudest things he has ever done in his political career was to support the National Council of Resistance of Iran which calls for the Iranian regime to be replaced with a safer and more democratic government. For forty years, he stood relentlessly with the Iranian people for freedom and against religious fascism and in his final speech to the 2021 Free Iran Gathering, he continued to promote the idea of democracy and freedom in Iran.


Giulio Terzi, former Italian Foreign Minister

I had the opportunity to share the floor with Sir David Amess, on the occasion of one of those attempts to weaken our trust in our values, three years ago in Villepinte. Every one of us there that day, as every year, we were calling for true and valuable democracy for Iran, and the regime sent over its reaction: a bombing plot! Sir David Amess spent many years claiming freedom for the Iranian people from the regime’s yoke, the international protection for those who hardly opposed the Ayatollahs, and justice for those paid with atrocious suffering and even with death.

This tragic event must not deflect us from the very goal of our efforts to an effective regime change in Iran, finally bringing democracy, freedom, political and civil rights fully guaranteed, and the protection of human rights.


Jim Shannon, MP for Strangford, Northern Ireland (at UK House of Commons)

I will miss my colleague, Sir David Amess, as others have also said. He undoubtedly would have been here and standing up for democracy and justice, alongside us, as he always did in these matters.

I want to put on record some words which I did not have the chance to say yesterday, but that I want to say today, if I may. I know that David was a man of faith and would have appreciated these words, which I believe would have been true of David, from 2 Timothy, chapter 4, verses 7 and 8:

“He has fought the good fight, he has finished the race, he has kept the faith.

Henceforth there is laid up for him the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to him on that day and not only to him but also to all who have loved His appearing”.

We mourn his passing, but also celebrate his life and pass on sincere sympathies to his wife, children, and family circle.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran, which I think every one of us here has probably been invited to speak or has spoken at—Sir David was one of the speakers at every event held here—made five recommendations. I will make them here to the Minister because I support them.

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