Relative of imprisoned activist tortured as an act of intimidation

NCRI – The inhumane clerical regime’s intelligence agents in Iran detained a relative of a union activist in Tehran on Wednesday and brutally tortured her.

Zoya Samadi was violently attacked on Wednesday at the Karaj metro station by agents of the notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS). The operatives pulled her hair, while beating her continuously and pushing her into a car which drove away to an undisclosed location.

Ms. Samadi tried to notify passersby while she was being detained that she is the daughter-in-law of Mansour Osanlou, the Chairman of the Greater Tehran Bus Company Syndicate, who is currently in prison. But, MOIS agents put a tape on her mouth and transferred her to their car.

Torturers later asked her to make a commitment that Osanlou will not conduct any political activities if freed.

While kept in an unknown location, her hands and feet were tied and she was blindfolded. She was then brutally tortured. Her head was hit against the wall repeatedly with the torturers primarily targeted her head and face. As a result, she suffered multiple injuries, including ripped gums, broken teeth, swelled head and injuries to her hands and legs.

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