Tuesday, July 16, 2024
HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsRegime agents fired on prisoners in Qezelhesar”

Regime agents fired on prisoners in Qezelhesar”

NCRI – In a barbaric act on Tuesday, the Iranian regime opened fire on defenseles prisoners in Qezelhesar prison, resulting in many deaths and injuries.

One of the people knowledgeable about the incident contacted the opposition satellite TV channel Simay-e Azadi and gave his account about what happened. Below is the English translation of the call.


“There were (Fire Festival) celebrations yesterday (Tuesday) in Tehran and Karaj along with fireworks. The news of it had leaked into the prison. At 5 pm, prisoners at Qezelhesar in Karaj staged an uprising. 10 people were supposed to be hanged this morning. Gas capsules are used in prison because there are no gas pipes, so the prisoners heated up the capsules and they exploded. Doors and walls were blown up. Everybody rose up. There were about 80 regime agents in Qezelhesar prison who clashed with the protestors.

“State-run websites have reported about the clashes saying 20 people were killed as a result of inhaling gas. But this is not true. About 80 people were fired upon. I was there this morning and I feel like explaining everything to people so they would know. People should know the suffering that their children are subjected to.

“At about 1:15 PM today, there were protests in Ward 1, where the killings took place yesterday, and now about 300 to 400 special guards and soldiers have attacked prisoners again. All time-off requests among the prison personnel have been suspended. None of them are allowed to take Nowrouz (New Year) vacation, in fear of further protests. Families of the prisoners have gathered in front of the prison but no one is willing to respond to them. They are all worried about their loved ones and don’t know if they’re alive or dead.”