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HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsRamadan and more suppressive measures for Iranian citizen

Ramadan and more suppressive measures for Iranian citizen

iran-beating-youth150NCRI – Brig. Gen. Hossein Sajedi, deputy commander of the State Security Forces (SSF) in greater Tehran – mullahs' suppressive police said, "Police will arrest those who eat in public during the upcoming month of Ramadan."

"All necessary measures have been considered to deal firmly with those individuals not observing the month's [Ramadan] restrictions," reported the state-run news agency Shahr quoting Sajedi as saying on Monday.

"Hotels and restaurants are not allowed to do any cooking during the day. They will have a three hours time limit before [the sunset] to do all their preparations for serving people in the upcoming Ramadan," Sajedi told Shahr.

He emphasized on the need for "everyone to comply with the rules" otherwise "the law breakers will suffer the consequences. 

In October 2005, the state-run daily Hamshahri wrote that 23-year-old Seyyed Mostafa was shot and killed by the State Security Forces in Tehran's Delgosha Street on Friday for not observing a fast during the holy month of Ramadan.

The man had been stopped by agents from Tehran's 132nd Precinct. As he left his car, one of the Guards shot him nine times at point blank. He died the next day in hospital because of his wounds.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance – in message at the time– underscored that the mullahs are peddlers of religion who murder women and young men on bogus charges in the streets or sentence them to stoning, cruel punishments and flog them in public. They are the worst enemies of Islam, she said.