Political Prisoners Call on UN Human Rights Rapporteur to Investigate Prisoners Rights Abuse by Iran Regime


NCRI – In a letter to the U.N. Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Iran, Ms. Asma Jahangir, Gohardasht political prisoners urge her to address their situation and investigate violation of the prisoners’ rights by Iranian regime.

The following in the letter by Gohardasht Political prisoners:

Ms. Asma Jahangir, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran,

Re: New tricks used by Iranian regime for violations of human rights

As you are aware, the pressure and insistence by international community and human rights organizations have had no effect on the criminal and inhuman behavior of the Iranian regime’s Judiciary and Intelligence Ministry toward political prisoners.

We continue to witness not only more executions, torture, and abuse of prisoners in broader dimensions by the regime officials, but also they have been using new methods recently for suppression of the prisoners which in the first place have not much external aspect or appearance but enough intimidation effects on the prisoners and in particular the prisoners’ families to prevent them from any protest action in an intangible form.

These methods, which have been reported to you previously, include abduction and disappearance of prisoners inside the prison in which the prisoners are kidnapped during normal commuting inside the prison.

A newer case includes refusing to release prisoners on a set date after their prison terms ends which not only frustrates the prisoners and their families and causes disappointment and loss of any hope of freedom and implementation of the law, but also the families anxiety and concern does not end as the release date comes because they are then faced with missing and disappearance of the prisoners.

More importantly, even the prison authorities are not happy and satisfied with these inhuman measures, or at least not explained or informed about the new acts.

Mr. Saleh Kohandel, after tolerating 15 years imprisonment was taken to an unknown location one day before his release date and no one is accountable. However, after his mother due to this shocking measure almost had a heart attack and protests by prisoners escalated, they then returned him to the prison instead of releasing him and naturally right now even according to their absolutely discredited law which has no executive backing. Mr. Kohandel is held in prison illegally.

Another newer measure taken against prisoners is that the prisoners are threatened on the eve of their freedom against any political activity outside prison and their families are prevented from embracing and welcoming the prisoner in front of the prion as they are released and the prisoners are also denied the right to have their friends and acquaintances visit them at their private home, otherwise new cases would be formed against them.

This is the new meaning and concept of “security and authority” in Rouhani’s government that even with mass executions in Iran does not have the courage to announce the weherabouts of the political prisoner Ali Moezzi and the place of his detention , or in case they have already killed him, they don’t dare to announce it.

We, political prisoners in Gohardasht prison in Karaj, ask you as the last resource, to address and investigate this situation.

Political Prisoner in Rajaei Shahr (Gohardasht) prison
January 13, 2017

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