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PMOI should be removed from EU terror list

Dr. Alejo Vidal- Quadras, Vice President of the European ParliamentText of speech by Dr. Alejo Vidal- Quadras, Vice President of the European Parliament.

Dr. Vidal-Quadras chaired a joint meeting of a group of members from the Jordanian and the European Parliaments at the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Wednesday. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian Resistance's President-elect was the keynote speaker at the event.

December 17– Strasbourg

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Madam President

I would like to welcome our colleagues from the Jordanian Parliament who have come a long way to attend our meeting today. This parliamentary exchange is rather welcome because there is a great deal of concern about the case of the Iranian resistance in our parliament.

Let me congratulate Mrs Maryam Rajavi and the PMOI members in Ashraf City for the landmark verdict of the Court of First Instance on 4 December which annulled the terrorist designation of the PMOI for the third time.

This verdict, issued just one day after the oral hearing, says it all: that far from being terrorist, the People’s Mojahedin is a legitimate resistance movement fighting for the cause of Iran's freedom and the upholding of the very values we cherish in Europe.
As I wrote to President Sarkozy yesterday, if the Council defies this verdict, it would create an institutional crisis for the EU, namely a face-off between the executive and judiciary in Europe.
As a vice president of the European Parliament and on behalf of the European Committee in Search of Justice which has the backing of 2000 members of parliaments in Europe, I strongly urge the Council and France to accept and acknowledge the ruling of the Court.

Implementing this verdict and recognising the rights of the Iranian people to resist against tyranny will enhance our standing amongst the Iranian people. On the other hand, if the Council defies this verdict it would discredit Europe in the minds of the Iranian people. So I call on the Council to act without delay.

Along with several of my colleagues in the European Parliament, I went to Ashraf city in October. We were in Iraq and Ashraf for several days and came to a better understanding of the Iranian resistance and Ashraf. Without such an understanding one cannot get a true picture of the Iranian opposition and the kind of future it envisions for Iran. When I was saying farewell to those in Ashraf City, I told them that they were not only an example for the future Iran but also for other countries.

In Ashraf we are faced with a dynamic society of Iranians who have the characteristics of a democracy.
The only difference is that they have achieved this under the most difficult circumstances.
I was very surprised to see the extent to which the Iraqi people trust the PMOI. Iraqis feel that People’s Mojahedin is their best friend and ally.

The presence of the young people in Ashraf was very impressive. There were many in their early twenties, in very high spirits and well-educated.

As a modern town, Ashraf is remarkably self-sufficient.

The Iranian regime's misinformation campaign, some which has been unfortunately parroted by some of our colleagues here and elsewhere, has prevented the outside world from getting the true picture of events in Ashraf. Of course, with visits like ours, this will soon change.
My last point: As our Jordanian colleagues said in their statement, the main issue is the security of Ashraf. After returning from Iraq we wrote several letters to President Bush, President-elect Obama and other US officials and also to the United Nations and emphasised that the security of Ashraf is the responsibility of the US forces. In other words, as long as US forces remain in Iraq, they have the responsibility to protect Ashraf.

Finally I would like to congratulate Mrs. Rajavi for her role in the development of a movement with such enlightened and dedicated men and women. I must say that this movement deserves to have such a leader and spokesperson.