Persecution of Christians in Iran continues under Hassan Rouhani: Report


The persecution of Christians in Iran is getting worse under Hassan Rouhani and many now face “severe physical and psychological torture,” a new report from a group of British MPs and peers says.

A joint investigation by Christians in Parliament and All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on International Freedom of Religion or Belief found that Christians continue to be arrested and interrogated because of their faith.

According to the report, “Christians continue to be arbitrarily arrested and interrogated because of their faith-related activities.”

“They continue to be treated harshly, with some facing severe physical and psychological torture during periods of detention.”

“The judiciary continues to construe legitimate Christian activities (such as meeting in private homes for prayer meeting and bible studies, or being in contact with Christians outside of Iran) as political activities that threaten the national security of Iran.”

Therefore Christians continue to be issued long prison sentences and/or corporal punishment. Churches continue to be pressured into ceasing all services or activities in the national language of Persian (Farsi), or are closed down.”

“Property belonging to Christians has continued to be seized, and Christians continue to face discrimination in the workplace and in educational institutions.”

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