Pastor Abedini: Imagine after thirty years, leader of ISIS (like Rouhani) comes to UN and leaders of the world shake his hand


NCRI – New York, United Nations, on Tuesday September 20, Saeed Abedini an Iranian American Christian pastor who was imprisoned in Iran since 2012 and was released on 2016 attended a demonstration, organized by the Organization of Iranian American Communities in the U.S., in which thousands of Iranian-Americans strongly criticized the visit to the United Nations by the Iranian regime’s president Hassan Rouhani and also urged the UN Security Council to scrutinize the shocking massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran in 1988, seen as one of the biggest human carnages since World War II.Following is the full text of Pastor Abedini’s  speech

Thank you. It is such an honor to be here. God bless you. It’s really hard for me to see all these people who are behind bars and in prison. I just called the names of the prisoners that I was living with them for years and years. You know, people that have been in prison for years for doing nothing, just for saying their rights, and live how they want to live. For the last forty years, we have seen that freedom of press, freedom of religion and freedom of speech has been abused and we saw that today wasn’t imagined. We all heard about what ISIS is doing, what al-Qaeda is doing, they’re slaughtering people all around the world, not just in Syria or Iraq. And how the Iranian governments is doing things in Iraq. And just imagine after thirty years, their leader Abou Bakr al-Baghdadi came to the United Nations and all the leaders of the world shake his hand. What I see today, is when President Rouhani comes, and with the history that we see, that they slaughtered 30,000 people in just 3 months, and they just continue murdering people every day. When I was in Gohardasht Prison, every Wednesday, at 3am they took people for executions. We know that last month there were executions and they’re killed for nothing. And there is a list of thousands of people that they want to execute in the next months. So we are here to be a voice for the people who won’t have any voice. And we are here to just say to the world that if you close your eyes to the human rights in Iran, by removing sanctions, by talking to the leaders and talking about agreements, we’ll stand with people in prison, and we will still be a voice for them, and say that you’re alive in our hearts, you’re alive in our voice, and we are standing with you. Amen.

Last years in Iran we saw so many journalists, so many politicians, so many religious leaders. They went to prison, and they always just want to have a better Iran, better future, and they’re being shut down. Some of them are being tortured to death. We saw people who got raped and killed in the street. We saw people, who were executed one month ago for nothing. And we are here to just say we want to stop any executions in Iran, and the Iranian government should listen to us. And I’m actually here to say even the UN, the US and EU, all of them, they need to pay attention about the human rights in Iran, that we never forget these people that are standing for their rights and for freedom in Iran. And we’re going to stand with them. And I have a message for you all, that God never forgets weakness, and God sees all the tears all the bloodshed, and he never forgets any crime. And I was watching all the people here, watching the theater, I saw so many tears. God is watching it. God is seeing the broken hearts. He came onto Earth, went on the cross that you see at the top of that church, to pay the punishment of sin, which is death. That we can today have a true relationship with him, and when we can call him for justice, he’s going to act, he’s going to do something. And he’s going to punish the weak. It’s time that we see the punishment of the weak. And I believe, that the God that we serve is going to listen, he’s going to see, and nothing can stop his plan. God is in control of everything. He chose everything and he is the one that is going to do his justice. So when we have him, we’re going to be victors. So we can celebrate our victory today, and we can see a brilliant future for Iran, and I’m here to celebrate the future for Iran. I don’t pay attention to what’s happening right now, I believe in the future. We’re going to see a change in Iran, and people are going to experience freedom that they’re looking for, and for which they made all these sacrifices. And I thank all of you who are standing with me here, to be a voice for people who don’t have any voice in the world. I just want to finish with a prayer for every people in the Middle East that are going through all these hardships and all these hard times. Let’s pray. Our Heavenly Father, I come to you in Jesus’ name, and I believe that you hear us from the Heaven right now. I pray that you just come in Iran and everywhere. We pray for people that are in prison, who get beaten and tortured every day, and for those whose names are on the executions lists for next months. I believe that you can hear and you can save. I believe you are in control, and you have amazing plan for our country, and you have an amazing plan for Iran. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. God bless you.


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