Monday, July 15, 2024

Iran Human Rights

The Iranian regime violently clamps down on popular demands, including calls for greater personal freedoms and equality. Freedom of assembly is effectively non-existent in Iran.

The clerical regime ruling Iran remains one of the worst abusers of human rights in the world. Every year, hundreds are executed, including dissidents and minors.

Despite the regime’s brutal repression of Iranians since its inception, most Iranians are eager to express their opinions and voice their outrage. The recent waves of Iranian uprisings which shacked the regime showed their absolute demand for a democratic change within their country.

In this section, you can read the latest news on Iran’s Human Rights situation.

Arrests in Iran

Iran: New wave of repression and widespread arrests

NCRI - The clerical regime's security chief in Tehran announced that in the first three phases of enforcing security in the capital, some 15,000...
Hanging in Iran

Iran: A man hanged and a woman sentenced to death

NCRI - A man was hanged in Tehran's notorious Evin prison today for alleged murder charges. Death sentence for the man identified by his...
A woman being hanged in Iran

An 18-year-old girl to be hanged in Iran

NCRI - An 18-year-old girl identified by her first name, Nazanin, was sentenced to death by mullahs' judiciary according to Etemad state-run daily....
Ayatollah Jalal Gange’i, Chair of the Committee on Denominations and Freedom of Religions of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

Ahmadinejad sheds crocodile tears for Sunnis in Iran

The Iranian regime President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has appointed an adviser on Sunni affairs, news agencies reported Tuesday. The latest move is as absurd as...

More executions reported in Iran

NCRI - According to state-run dailies yesterday, three prisoners were executed in notorious Evin prison in Tehran and the death sentence for three more...

Iran: Judiciary sentences a women to stoning, another to death by hanging

In a bid to terrorize and intimidate the public and step up general suppression, particularly against women, the mullahs' misogynous regime has again...

Iran – Erhängungen: 71 Hängungen und Todesopfer seit Ahmadinejads Amtszeit

Andauernde Todesurteile gegen JugendlicheDer iranische Widerstand fordert die Weltgemeinschaft auf, gegen die weit verbreiteten Hinrichtungen, besonders von Minderjährigen, zu handeln.NWRI, 10. Oktober -...
Public hangings in Iran

Iranian dailies report more executions

NCRI, September 5 - The clerical regime ruling Iran hanged a man in Iranshahr, Southeastern Iran, and sentenced three others to death in Tehran...