Thursday, July 18, 2024

Iran Human Rights

The Iranian regime violently clamps down on popular demands, including calls for greater personal freedoms and equality. Freedom of assembly is effectively non-existent in Iran.

The clerical regime ruling Iran remains one of the worst abusers of human rights in the world. Every year, hundreds are executed, including dissidents and minors.

Despite the regime’s brutal repression of Iranians since its inception, most Iranians are eager to express their opinions and voice their outrage. The recent waves of Iranian uprisings which shacked the regime showed their absolute demand for a democratic change within their country.

In this section, you can read the latest news on Iran’s Human Rights situation.

Iran: Workers lashed for participating on May Day celebrations

NCRI - The mullahs' judiciary sentenced 11 worker activists to ten lashes each for demonstrating on May Day last year. Abbas Andaryari, the last...

Iran: Four prisoners hanged in Arak

NCRI - The Iranian regime has executed four prisoners in the city of Arak. The prisoners who were identified by their initials hanged in...

Iran: Part time teachers gathered outside Majlis

NCRI – More than 250 part time teachers gathered outside mullahs' Majlis (parliament) protesting to their hiring conditions at the Ministry of Education on...

Two more executed in Esfahan

NCRI – The Iranian regime has executed two people at the central prison in Esfahan, according to Hrana news agency. It quoted state-run media...

Iran: More than 800 workers at Ashkan China factory are on strike

NCRI - More than 800 workers walked out over unpaid salaries and benefits at Ashkan China factory in Tehran on Wednesday. Mullahs' hand picked...
Picture of the notorious Evin prison in Tehran

Iran: A prisoner dies under torture in Isfahan

NCRI – A prisoner identified as Mohammad A. was tortured to death by the mullahs' prison guards in the central city of Isfahan. The...

Iran: Hundreds of teachers protest outside mullahs’ Majlis

NCRI - Some 1,500 part time teachers gathered outside mullahs' Majlis (parliament) from the western province of Lorestan protesting to contract conditions with the...
Five hanged in Qom

Iran: Five hanged in Qom

NCRI – The mullahs' judiciary hanged five prisoners in the holy city of Qom, reported the state-run daily Iran on Sunday. The men were...

Iran: “The election comes, The Internet goes”

AFP - Iran is tightening control of the Internet ahead of next month's presidential election, mindful of violent street protests that social networkers inspired...
A hanging noose

Iran: Four prisoners transferred to solitary for hanging

NCRI – Four prisoners were transferred on Sunday to solitary confinements in preparation for their execution at a later date in the notorious Gohardasht...