Friday, July 19, 2024

Iran Human Rights

The Iranian regime violently clamps down on popular demands, including calls for greater personal freedoms and equality. Freedom of assembly is effectively non-existent in Iran.

The clerical regime ruling Iran remains one of the worst abusers of human rights in the world. Every year, hundreds are executed, including dissidents and minors.

Despite the regime’s brutal repression of Iranians since its inception, most Iranians are eager to express their opinions and voice their outrage. The recent waves of Iranian uprisings which shacked the regime showed their absolute demand for a democratic change within their country.

In this section, you can read the latest news on Iran’s Human Rights situation.


U.S. and Sweden to push U.N. rights body to act on Iran: Reuters

NCRI - The United States will strongly support a Swedish effort to have the U.N. Human Rights Council appoint a special investigator into rights...

Iran: Regime phone-taps family of political prisoner

The family of political prisoner Zia Nabavi is being subjected to phone-tapping and repression of basic liberties by Iranian security forces, according to reports...

Iran: Forty-four party goers arrested in Mashhad

NCRI – Forty-four party goers were arrested in the holy city of Mashhad on Monday. Twenty-seven females and 17 males were arrested by the...
Hundreds of Shiraz University students protest

Iran: Hundreds of Shiraz University students protest

NCRI – More than 400 students in a symbolic move cover the university grounds with the food trays in protest to spoiled food served...

Iranian regime hangs 12 Afghans – report

NCRI - The Iranian regime has executed 12 Afghan citizens, according to a report released by Afghanistan's Embassy in Tehran. The Afghan citizen's have...

11 prisoners hanged in Iran – 27 executions in past week

NCRI – Nine prisoners were on Monday hanged collectively in a detention center in the city of Karaj, west of Tehran. Also on Monday...

Iranian political prisoners demand UN probe into human rights abuses

Political prisoners in Iran have called on the UN to investigate human right's abuses in the regime's prisons and called for 'freedom, equality and...

Iran: There is no information about a political prisoner following his transfer to solitary...

Two months has passed from the transfer of a political prisoner to solitary confinement, yet there is no information on his whereabouts and condition....

Political prisoner in Iran asks for suspension of regime’s UN membership

NCRI - A well-known political prisoner in Iran has released a letter asking the UN Secretary General to suspend the Iranian regime’s UN membership.In...

Iran: Stoning sentences for two prisoners still pending

NCRI – A 30-year-old women prisoner identified as Gilan Mohammadi and an Afghan national, Gholamali Eskandari, are sentenced to death by stoning. Both are...